It's no secret that mankind is wreaking havoc on our planet. I’ve read that the BP oil spill in the gulf may destroy ocean reef and coral life. Here is a green burial option that could help rebuild the reef.
My Living Reef
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The Afterlife - Is There Life After Death?
By Suzy Morgan
I love this question! Let's hear it angels!
My smart-alecky guides are bent over double in hysterics. What do you do now? You wander around. You think you have a purpose because you signed yourself up for a job, or the dishes, or the kids, and they're all waiting for you, now. Yeah? So what.
The dead "walk around" without bodies. They are energy. You are energy. Today you see yourself as real but you are simply matter taking up space. You can look with your physical eyes in the mirror and validate that it's you. Because you recognize yourself, does that mean you exist? How can you prove you exist? By your credit cards, your bank balance, your appointment this week at the dentist? The fact that another being in physical form walks into your space and gives you a hug? What if you both made the whole thing up? Fun thought.
You do the same thing when you're dead. Only you've left your body behind. Not only that, but your behind stayed with your decaying physical body. What you carry in your head and your heart continue. For you purists, the brain and the physical heart die with the body. Who you are, how you think, whether you allow yourself to love or not, lives on. Your consciousness lives on with your soul for eternity. In truth, it's impossible to kill you off. You just shape shift and create a deep mourning process for those of us left in a body who still love you and think you are gone forever. We should only know. We can't get rid of each other except by choice.
The physical life of our third dimensional world gives you the opportunity to squeeze yourself into the narrowly constricting reality of the five senses. Your dead-life affords you the opportunity to enlarge your view of life by filling your spirit with the Light of the Divine. This is heady stuff.
Imagine feeling safe, and loved, completely at home with every other being. Imagine there are differences, but you know intuitively that the differences mean nothing. It's like vanilla, chocolate or strawberry. You may have a preference, but one is not better than another.
You gently merge with each other, still maintaining your sense of your self, but aligned completely with The Self. You know that you are complete, whole, and perfect, unable to separate yourself from the scenery, from God, from each other, and, more importantly, you no longer want to separate. You accept you are an integral part of life. You are as important as the bum on the street and the Divine itself.
In this place of a life without judgment, we can be still and absorb the Light. We can choose to act as a guide for others. We can allow ourselves to be guided by others. We can continue helping others on earth see life through our expanded vision. Our path is guided by the Universal Love that surrounds and fills us until we heal from the pain of the body.
Then we are free to choose again. If we are ready to try on a new body with what appear to be new characters in each scene, it is up to us. If we have work to do on the other side, we can remain. If we choose to do nothing, and some do, we are free to do just that.
Suzy Morgan, B.A., H.H.P, is a Spiritual Intuitive, a Medium, an Energy Healer, and a Channel for the Angels offering Angel Readings and Healing.
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For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on
I love this question! Let's hear it angels!
My smart-alecky guides are bent over double in hysterics. What do you do now? You wander around. You think you have a purpose because you signed yourself up for a job, or the dishes, or the kids, and they're all waiting for you, now. Yeah? So what.
The dead "walk around" without bodies. They are energy. You are energy. Today you see yourself as real but you are simply matter taking up space. You can look with your physical eyes in the mirror and validate that it's you. Because you recognize yourself, does that mean you exist? How can you prove you exist? By your credit cards, your bank balance, your appointment this week at the dentist? The fact that another being in physical form walks into your space and gives you a hug? What if you both made the whole thing up? Fun thought.
You do the same thing when you're dead. Only you've left your body behind. Not only that, but your behind stayed with your decaying physical body. What you carry in your head and your heart continue. For you purists, the brain and the physical heart die with the body. Who you are, how you think, whether you allow yourself to love or not, lives on. Your consciousness lives on with your soul for eternity. In truth, it's impossible to kill you off. You just shape shift and create a deep mourning process for those of us left in a body who still love you and think you are gone forever. We should only know. We can't get rid of each other except by choice.
The physical life of our third dimensional world gives you the opportunity to squeeze yourself into the narrowly constricting reality of the five senses. Your dead-life affords you the opportunity to enlarge your view of life by filling your spirit with the Light of the Divine. This is heady stuff.
Imagine feeling safe, and loved, completely at home with every other being. Imagine there are differences, but you know intuitively that the differences mean nothing. It's like vanilla, chocolate or strawberry. You may have a preference, but one is not better than another.
You gently merge with each other, still maintaining your sense of your self, but aligned completely with The Self. You know that you are complete, whole, and perfect, unable to separate yourself from the scenery, from God, from each other, and, more importantly, you no longer want to separate. You accept you are an integral part of life. You are as important as the bum on the street and the Divine itself.
In this place of a life without judgment, we can be still and absorb the Light. We can choose to act as a guide for others. We can allow ourselves to be guided by others. We can continue helping others on earth see life through our expanded vision. Our path is guided by the Universal Love that surrounds and fills us until we heal from the pain of the body.
Then we are free to choose again. If we are ready to try on a new body with what appear to be new characters in each scene, it is up to us. If we have work to do on the other side, we can remain. If we choose to do nothing, and some do, we are free to do just that.
Suzy Morgan, B.A., H.H.P, is a Spiritual Intuitive, a Medium, an Energy Healer, and a Channel for the Angels offering Angel Readings and Healing.
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For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
We are One in Spirit Podcast
Join LavendarRose on her weekly podcast, We Are One in Spirit, designed to bring understanding, unity, and respect among diverse spiritual communities everywhere.
Airing on each Thursday at 7 PM Central Time, spiritual topics of discussion include healing, metaphysics, energy modalities, Goddess worship, afterlife, near-death, and other spiritually transforming experiences.
We are One in Spirit is the place to learn what all religious practices have in common: Our desire to be one with our Creator.
Listen to archived shows
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on
Airing on each Thursday at 7 PM Central Time, spiritual topics of discussion include healing, metaphysics, energy modalities, Goddess worship, afterlife, near-death, and other spiritually transforming experiences.
We are One in Spirit is the place to learn what all religious practices have in common: Our desire to be one with our Creator.
Listen to archived shows
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on
Near Death Experiences - What Happens After We Die?
By Paula Maher
Is Steve Irwin really guiding Bindi from the "other side?" Paul McCartney believes Linda's spirit lives on!
What happens after we die? This is life's greatest mystery. Is there a life after death or is it something we have created in order to cope with the inevitable?
There are those who have died and experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE), have returned and are now certain that we are so much more than our physical bodies. A NDE is usually described as a lifting away from the body and being able to view one's self from above accompanied by a euphoric calmness as the spirit travels down a tunnel with a bright light in the center and the certainty that there is another dimension once the light is reached.
On the "Near Death Experience Research Foundation" website there is an account of an NDE recorded by Anita M. a cancer patient from Hong Kong who claims such an event took place as she "died" in hospital and doctors were frantically trying to bring her back. Drifting in and out of consciousness she could feel her spirit leaving her body. As she crossed over she felt this other dimension was actually the real world and felt free and powerful connected to something much greater, "I thought that I knew a lot more than when I was in my body", she says, "I was surrounded by loving beings, people who I seemed to know but I could not recognize from this lifetime and I was aware that they were around me all the time even when I was in the physical body and I didn't even realize then that they were looking after me all the time in the three dimensional world."
She claims her awareness was so heightened she could hear conversations between her family and the medical staff 40 feet away, which she later verified, "It's not that I could see through walls, it's just that when I wanted to know something I could see it straight away, the understanding, the visual came to me immediately. There was no such thing as time lag or separation, everything was simultaneously happening at once and it depended on what I wanted to focus. Unreal as it sounds when I was there; I felt that was the real world, not the physical. There was understanding and clarity. If only I had known this when I was in my body. I was aware that I had a choice whether to go back and return to my body. Knowing that this was real I also knew that if I was to go back to my sick body that I would be healed immediately, my body would express what spirit now knows."
Anita described her state as one of pure joy and that she was loved no matter what. She did not have to do anything to earn this love and this is something that stayed with her when she returned, "All I had to do was be myself. If everybody realized that you don't have to do anything, just the fact that you exist is enough, that knowing would alter your vibrations and this can subsequently change your life."
The Rev. Gino Concetti chief theological commentator for the Vatican newspaper "L'Osservatore Romano" said the Catholic Church is opposed to the raising of spirits but claims communication is possible between those who live on earth and those who live in a "state of eternal repose", and suggested dead loved ones could be responsible for impulses and manifestations such as in dreams. John Hooper published the reverend's comments in the "London Observer Service" in January 1997.
Gwen Carden wrote of these three accounts in "The National Enquirer" on December 22, 1998:
Her dead grandfather urged a college student to lock all the windows in a dream. She did so and discovered the next day that a room nearby had been broken into the previous night.
The mother of 9 month old baby awoke one night to see her dead mother standing by her bed looking worried as she led her to the child's bedroom. The young mum checked on her baby and discovered she had been choking on a piece of plastic.
A woman had a vision of her father who told her, "It is beautiful over here, I'm alright so don't you worry!" He laughed as he added," Now I don't have to pay for all the furniture your Mum and sister bought." A few minutes later she received a phone call informing her that her father had just died of a heart attack and received a letter not long after saying that her Mum and sister had purchased a house full of furniture on the night their Dad died.
Does life indeed continue to a world beyond? The closest proof we have are only the recollections of NDEs such as Anita M's but there have been scientists investigating such phenomenon. As it was reported on BBC News in the UK, they say they have found evidence to suggest that consciousness can continue after the brain has ceased to function.
Neurological experts have challenged these findings. Dr Sam Parnia of Southampton General Hospital in the U.K. says the consciousness is independent of the brain and no one can fully understand how the brain generates thoughts. Under examination the brain contains cells like any other who produce chemicals but there is no evidence of their capability to create the phenomenon of thought that we have. He says that the brain is needed to manifest the mind similar to a how a television set can transmit what are essentially waves in the air.
There is skepticism from sources such as The Skeptic Society and Dr Chris Freeman a consultant psychiatrist at Royal Edinburgh Hospital in the U.K. Dr Freeman claims that these experiences possibly occurred during the recovery or just before cardiac arrest and there is very little evidence that they happened when the brain was shut down.
Dr John Happs president of "Western Australian Skeptics" claims the following,"NDEs are quite commonplace and I have actually experienced them myself on at least two occasions. NDEs are very real and occur when the brain is starved of oxygen. The phenomenon has been well and truly explained in medical terms. The brain starts to shut down when oxygen is limited and peripheral vision slowly fails. That explains why people report a tunnel effect with a bright light in the center. That is exactly what I experienced when, as a competitor in judo tournaments, I was strangled into unconsciousness. There have been many reported NDEs, as you might expect although few individuals would be aware of what is happening to them from a physiological perspective so they imagine they are traveling down a tunnel towards a bright light. Add a few singing angels and an imaginative link between earth and heaven and you have a great story."
John Perkins from "Atheist Society", Melbourne, Australia says, "I believe the phenomenon exists, but not that it represents any evidence for, or experience of, an afterlife. Humans have minds, not souls. In death, the mind stops working. To believe otherwise is just superstition or willful self deception. If souls existed after death, there would be 100 billion of them hanging out somewhere, for ever. Would you really want to go there?"
The one thing that seems apparent is that there is "something" controlling the universe such as nature itself and it is a difficult concept to understand that a person's essence can just die. Birth and coincidences may well be real miracles, although there is scientific and rational explanation for both. For most, it is part of the purpose of life to continue to question the meaning of our existence and to strive for the realization that we are lovable just because we exist. It is certainly something worth pondering and who knows? Perhaps if we practice a little more kindness each day our "vibrations" may lift enough for us to perceive some answers. Or at least we would be working towards making this world right here a better place.
Suggested reading:
A Soul's Journey Peter Richelieu
Life After Life Dr Raymond Moody, Jr., M.D.
Reaching For The Other Side Dawn Hill
Edge of Reality Dawn Hill
Lifting The Veil Dawn Hill
My Very Own NDE: A Skeptical Look Martin Bridgstock life member of Australian Skeptics published on page 16 summer 2003 edition of The Skeptic quarterly journal volume 23
Spook Science Tackles The Afterlife Mary Roach
Article Source:
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on
Is Steve Irwin really guiding Bindi from the "other side?" Paul McCartney believes Linda's spirit lives on!
What happens after we die? This is life's greatest mystery. Is there a life after death or is it something we have created in order to cope with the inevitable?
There are those who have died and experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE), have returned and are now certain that we are so much more than our physical bodies. A NDE is usually described as a lifting away from the body and being able to view one's self from above accompanied by a euphoric calmness as the spirit travels down a tunnel with a bright light in the center and the certainty that there is another dimension once the light is reached.
On the "Near Death Experience Research Foundation" website there is an account of an NDE recorded by Anita M. a cancer patient from Hong Kong who claims such an event took place as she "died" in hospital and doctors were frantically trying to bring her back. Drifting in and out of consciousness she could feel her spirit leaving her body. As she crossed over she felt this other dimension was actually the real world and felt free and powerful connected to something much greater, "I thought that I knew a lot more than when I was in my body", she says, "I was surrounded by loving beings, people who I seemed to know but I could not recognize from this lifetime and I was aware that they were around me all the time even when I was in the physical body and I didn't even realize then that they were looking after me all the time in the three dimensional world."
She claims her awareness was so heightened she could hear conversations between her family and the medical staff 40 feet away, which she later verified, "It's not that I could see through walls, it's just that when I wanted to know something I could see it straight away, the understanding, the visual came to me immediately. There was no such thing as time lag or separation, everything was simultaneously happening at once and it depended on what I wanted to focus. Unreal as it sounds when I was there; I felt that was the real world, not the physical. There was understanding and clarity. If only I had known this when I was in my body. I was aware that I had a choice whether to go back and return to my body. Knowing that this was real I also knew that if I was to go back to my sick body that I would be healed immediately, my body would express what spirit now knows."
Anita described her state as one of pure joy and that she was loved no matter what. She did not have to do anything to earn this love and this is something that stayed with her when she returned, "All I had to do was be myself. If everybody realized that you don't have to do anything, just the fact that you exist is enough, that knowing would alter your vibrations and this can subsequently change your life."
The Rev. Gino Concetti chief theological commentator for the Vatican newspaper "L'Osservatore Romano" said the Catholic Church is opposed to the raising of spirits but claims communication is possible between those who live on earth and those who live in a "state of eternal repose", and suggested dead loved ones could be responsible for impulses and manifestations such as in dreams. John Hooper published the reverend's comments in the "London Observer Service" in January 1997.
Gwen Carden wrote of these three accounts in "The National Enquirer" on December 22, 1998:
Her dead grandfather urged a college student to lock all the windows in a dream. She did so and discovered the next day that a room nearby had been broken into the previous night.
The mother of 9 month old baby awoke one night to see her dead mother standing by her bed looking worried as she led her to the child's bedroom. The young mum checked on her baby and discovered she had been choking on a piece of plastic.
A woman had a vision of her father who told her, "It is beautiful over here, I'm alright so don't you worry!" He laughed as he added," Now I don't have to pay for all the furniture your Mum and sister bought." A few minutes later she received a phone call informing her that her father had just died of a heart attack and received a letter not long after saying that her Mum and sister had purchased a house full of furniture on the night their Dad died.
Does life indeed continue to a world beyond? The closest proof we have are only the recollections of NDEs such as Anita M's but there have been scientists investigating such phenomenon. As it was reported on BBC News in the UK, they say they have found evidence to suggest that consciousness can continue after the brain has ceased to function.
Neurological experts have challenged these findings. Dr Sam Parnia of Southampton General Hospital in the U.K. says the consciousness is independent of the brain and no one can fully understand how the brain generates thoughts. Under examination the brain contains cells like any other who produce chemicals but there is no evidence of their capability to create the phenomenon of thought that we have. He says that the brain is needed to manifest the mind similar to a how a television set can transmit what are essentially waves in the air.
There is skepticism from sources such as The Skeptic Society and Dr Chris Freeman a consultant psychiatrist at Royal Edinburgh Hospital in the U.K. Dr Freeman claims that these experiences possibly occurred during the recovery or just before cardiac arrest and there is very little evidence that they happened when the brain was shut down.
Dr John Happs president of "Western Australian Skeptics" claims the following,"NDEs are quite commonplace and I have actually experienced them myself on at least two occasions. NDEs are very real and occur when the brain is starved of oxygen. The phenomenon has been well and truly explained in medical terms. The brain starts to shut down when oxygen is limited and peripheral vision slowly fails. That explains why people report a tunnel effect with a bright light in the center. That is exactly what I experienced when, as a competitor in judo tournaments, I was strangled into unconsciousness. There have been many reported NDEs, as you might expect although few individuals would be aware of what is happening to them from a physiological perspective so they imagine they are traveling down a tunnel towards a bright light. Add a few singing angels and an imaginative link between earth and heaven and you have a great story."
John Perkins from "Atheist Society", Melbourne, Australia says, "I believe the phenomenon exists, but not that it represents any evidence for, or experience of, an afterlife. Humans have minds, not souls. In death, the mind stops working. To believe otherwise is just superstition or willful self deception. If souls existed after death, there would be 100 billion of them hanging out somewhere, for ever. Would you really want to go there?"
The one thing that seems apparent is that there is "something" controlling the universe such as nature itself and it is a difficult concept to understand that a person's essence can just die. Birth and coincidences may well be real miracles, although there is scientific and rational explanation for both. For most, it is part of the purpose of life to continue to question the meaning of our existence and to strive for the realization that we are lovable just because we exist. It is certainly something worth pondering and who knows? Perhaps if we practice a little more kindness each day our "vibrations" may lift enough for us to perceive some answers. Or at least we would be working towards making this world right here a better place.
Suggested reading:
A Soul's Journey Peter Richelieu
Life After Life Dr Raymond Moody, Jr., M.D.
Reaching For The Other Side Dawn Hill
Edge of Reality Dawn Hill
Lifting The Veil Dawn Hill
My Very Own NDE: A Skeptical Look Martin Bridgstock life member of Australian Skeptics published on page 16 summer 2003 edition of The Skeptic quarterly journal volume 23
Spook Science Tackles The Afterlife Mary Roach
Article Source:
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on
Monday, August 9, 2010
The Mind Needs Permission to Let the Soul Leave the Body
Some patients are ready to go when death comes knocking, but they are so concerned with the ones they are leaving behind, they can't let go and drift off to whatever awaits them on the Other Side.
In my interview with Dr. Milstone he mentioned that he has seen repeated cases where a patient has, through false hope or denial, clung to life in order to get to certain events such as a wedding anniversary, a holiday, the marriage of a child or a trip somewhere. He mentioned instances where the patient died within hours of having been told the truth about the seriousness of their condition. Likewise, it may be helpful if the family or you as a hospice worker let the patient know that it’s okay to go.
Dr. Milstone says, “The mind is an incredible, powerful force over the body; more than we have realized. It may be that the mind directs the release of certain chemicals like catecholamines that help drive the body. When the mind shuts down, the catecholamines stop being released and the body dies. There may be other factors involved, but I am a complete believer that the mind is really what either keeps the body alive or lets the body die.”
When I spoke at Atlanta Hospice last month, Barbara Moore mentioned a patient who was ready to die, wanted to die, but kept hanging on. Barbara intuitively knew what this patient needed. He needed to know that his daughter would be okay without him. He needed her to tell him, "goodbye." When the daughter came to visit, Barbara asked her to speak with and to tell her father that it was okay for him to go.
"I can't do that," the daughter said.
"You have to," Barbara insisted. "He's suffering, he's ready to go, and he needs your permission to depart."
Reluctantly, the daughter did as Barbara asked. Ten minutes after the daughter left the center, the man died in peace.
If you are tending to a patient that you know is holding on because he or she believes you or someone else needs or wants them to stay, please consider giving the patient permission to depart in peace. Here are some ways you can verbalize that in a positive manner.
"You've been a valuable person in my life. You have taught me how to take care of myself. I want you to know that I'm going to be okay when you go. It's okay to go whenever you feel ready"
"If you are holding on because you are worried about me, I want to release you from your fear. I will be fine and I hope that when you are in the afterlife, you will visit me to let me know you are doing well. Then, you'll see for yourself that even though I may be grieving, I am going to be just fine."
"I know you are staying because you love me, but it would be selfish of me to make you stay in your body when your soul is ready to leave. I love you and I give you permission to go and reunite with your loved ones on the Other Side."
"I appreciate all the love and support you have given me in this life. You have been a great example to me. I want you to know that I will continue to show love to others even after you leave me. I bless you to find peace in the hereafter."
"If you feel it is time to go, I will not hold you back. I trust you will relax now and allow yourself to find the joy and peace that awaits you in the afterlife. I know we will see one another again one day."
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on
In my interview with Dr. Milstone he mentioned that he has seen repeated cases where a patient has, through false hope or denial, clung to life in order to get to certain events such as a wedding anniversary, a holiday, the marriage of a child or a trip somewhere. He mentioned instances where the patient died within hours of having been told the truth about the seriousness of their condition. Likewise, it may be helpful if the family or you as a hospice worker let the patient know that it’s okay to go.
Dr. Milstone says, “The mind is an incredible, powerful force over the body; more than we have realized. It may be that the mind directs the release of certain chemicals like catecholamines that help drive the body. When the mind shuts down, the catecholamines stop being released and the body dies. There may be other factors involved, but I am a complete believer that the mind is really what either keeps the body alive or lets the body die.”
When I spoke at Atlanta Hospice last month, Barbara Moore mentioned a patient who was ready to die, wanted to die, but kept hanging on. Barbara intuitively knew what this patient needed. He needed to know that his daughter would be okay without him. He needed her to tell him, "goodbye." When the daughter came to visit, Barbara asked her to speak with and to tell her father that it was okay for him to go.
"I can't do that," the daughter said.
"You have to," Barbara insisted. "He's suffering, he's ready to go, and he needs your permission to depart."
Reluctantly, the daughter did as Barbara asked. Ten minutes after the daughter left the center, the man died in peace.
If you are tending to a patient that you know is holding on because he or she believes you or someone else needs or wants them to stay, please consider giving the patient permission to depart in peace. Here are some ways you can verbalize that in a positive manner.
"You've been a valuable person in my life. You have taught me how to take care of myself. I want you to know that I'm going to be okay when you go. It's okay to go whenever you feel ready"
"If you are holding on because you are worried about me, I want to release you from your fear. I will be fine and I hope that when you are in the afterlife, you will visit me to let me know you are doing well. Then, you'll see for yourself that even though I may be grieving, I am going to be just fine."
"I know you are staying because you love me, but it would be selfish of me to make you stay in your body when your soul is ready to leave. I love you and I give you permission to go and reunite with your loved ones on the Other Side."
"I appreciate all the love and support you have given me in this life. You have been a great example to me. I want you to know that I will continue to show love to others even after you leave me. I bless you to find peace in the hereafter."
"If you feel it is time to go, I will not hold you back. I trust you will relax now and allow yourself to find the joy and peace that awaits you in the afterlife. I know we will see one another again one day."
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
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Friday, August 6, 2010
The Choice of Life or Death
Life and death are not random events; they are choices we make at a soul level. What we do with our life is our choice. By the same token, dying is also a choice!
It is my belief that God does not infringe upon our free will or tell us what to do with our life. Instead, we are gently allowed to learn at our own pace, have an experience different from what is commonly accepted as the “norm”, and make our own decisions—even if we choose to return to Source. God does not take our loved ones from us. I believe that before incarnating , we agree to living a certain number of years here on Earth. Some make choose to end it sooner through suicide; but we all make choices regarding what we eat and how well we care for our physical, mental, and emotional health.
My grandmother has never being one to whine or complain, but she was clearly giving up the will to live when she was hospitalized last September. She experienced a huge increase in communication with those on the other side and I was certain she would be leaving us. She wanted to go, and even begged Jesus to take her, but she could not depart. We gave her permission to leave or to stay, reminding her that we would always love her either way. However, we made it clear that if she decided to stay in her body, she would be expected to put forth a whole-hearted effort to recover. We would keep her as comfortable as possible, but we expected her to cooperate by eating, taking her meds, and participating in her rehab.
Once Nanny made the choice to live, her body cooperated and began to heal itself. Today she is able to get from her bed to her chair in the living room where she sits and interacts with the family most of the day. When I visited last month, Nanny wanted me to notice how hard she had tried and how much she had improved. How precious is that? I found our role reversal humorous. She practically raised me, and I always wanted her and my mom to be proud of me! It's amazing that she, at 94 years old, wants me, her adult granddaughter to be proud of her. What does that say about a human's emotional needs? I'm not a psychologist, but I can see how much our love means to one another—especially the elderly.
I'm not here to put anyone on a guilt trip, but if there is something you can do to comfort a loved one today, please take a few minutes to write a letter, make a phone call, send a card or gift, or arrange a visit. You will be surprised how much you actually receive by giving.
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on
It is my belief that God does not infringe upon our free will or tell us what to do with our life. Instead, we are gently allowed to learn at our own pace, have an experience different from what is commonly accepted as the “norm”, and make our own decisions—even if we choose to return to Source. God does not take our loved ones from us. I believe that before incarnating , we agree to living a certain number of years here on Earth. Some make choose to end it sooner through suicide; but we all make choices regarding what we eat and how well we care for our physical, mental, and emotional health.
My grandmother has never being one to whine or complain, but she was clearly giving up the will to live when she was hospitalized last September. She experienced a huge increase in communication with those on the other side and I was certain she would be leaving us. She wanted to go, and even begged Jesus to take her, but she could not depart. We gave her permission to leave or to stay, reminding her that we would always love her either way. However, we made it clear that if she decided to stay in her body, she would be expected to put forth a whole-hearted effort to recover. We would keep her as comfortable as possible, but we expected her to cooperate by eating, taking her meds, and participating in her rehab.
Once Nanny made the choice to live, her body cooperated and began to heal itself. Today she is able to get from her bed to her chair in the living room where she sits and interacts with the family most of the day. When I visited last month, Nanny wanted me to notice how hard she had tried and how much she had improved. How precious is that? I found our role reversal humorous. She practically raised me, and I always wanted her and my mom to be proud of me! It's amazing that she, at 94 years old, wants me, her adult granddaughter to be proud of her. What does that say about a human's emotional needs? I'm not a psychologist, but I can see how much our love means to one another—especially the elderly.
I'm not here to put anyone on a guilt trip, but if there is something you can do to comfort a loved one today, please take a few minutes to write a letter, make a phone call, send a card or gift, or arrange a visit. You will be surprised how much you actually receive by giving.
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Healers Working with Hospice
There is a difference between cure and healing. Cure means that the disease no longer exists. Healing is the art of demonstrating compassion. It can mean helping someone resolve guilt, mending a relationship, helping a patient through the grieving process, restoring his or her self-worth, offering comfort, allowing a patient to die with dignity and peace of mind.
Hospice gives a patient the chance to talk about the things that they cannot discuss with family members. Being a good listener is so important. If you are an energy worker, end-of-life patients can benefit from your services. Have you considered volunteering as a way to apprentice and practice your skills of sharing loving energy?
By providing hospice service to a person who is experiencing isolation, loneliness, and even abandonment issues, YOU ARE A HEALER! Your interaction as a hospice worker has a strong influence upon the patient and the family.
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on
Hospice gives a patient the chance to talk about the things that they cannot discuss with family members. Being a good listener is so important. If you are an energy worker, end-of-life patients can benefit from your services. Have you considered volunteering as a way to apprentice and practice your skills of sharing loving energy?
By providing hospice service to a person who is experiencing isolation, loneliness, and even abandonment issues, YOU ARE A HEALER! Your interaction as a hospice worker has a strong influence upon the patient and the family.
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on
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