It is my belief that God does not infringe upon our free will or tell us what to do with our life. Instead, we are gently allowed to learn at our own pace, have an experience different from what is commonly accepted as the “norm”, and make our own decisions—even if we choose to return to Source. God does not take our loved ones from us. I believe that before incarnating , we agree to living a certain number of years here on Earth. Some make choose to end it sooner through suicide; but we all make choices regarding what we eat and how well we care for our physical, mental, and emotional health.
My grandmother has never being one to whine or complain, but she was clearly giving up the will to live when she was hospitalized last September. She experienced a huge increase in communication with those on the other side and I was certain she would be leaving us. She wanted to go, and even begged Jesus to take her, but she could not depart. We gave her permission to leave or to stay, reminding her that we would always love her either way. However, we made it clear that if she decided to stay in her body, she would be expected to put forth a whole-hearted effort to recover. We would keep her as comfortable as possible, but we expected her to cooperate by eating, taking her meds, and participating in her rehab.
Once Nanny made the choice to live, her body cooperated and began to heal itself. Today she is able to get from her bed to her chair in the living room where she sits and interacts with the family most of the day. When I visited last month, Nanny wanted me to notice how hard she had tried and how much she had improved. How precious is that? I found our role reversal humorous. She practically raised me, and I always wanted her and my mom to be proud of me! It's amazing that she, at 94 years old, wants me, her adult granddaughter to be proud of her. What does that say about a human's emotional needs? I'm not a psychologist, but I can see how much our love means to one another—especially the elderly.
I'm not here to put anyone on a guilt trip, but if there is something you can do to comfort a loved one today, please take a few minutes to write a letter, make a phone call, send a card or gift, or arrange a visit. You will be surprised how much you actually receive by giving.
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
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