When my grandfather passed in 1988, my grandmother had a difficult time adjusting. What helped her most was to stay busy doing things with and for our family. We took her to the beach that following summer just to get her out of the house and into a change of scenery. She never set foot on the beach, but she loved staying in the motel, cooking meals for the rest of us. We loved having her and I think it gave her a new perspective on life without Pap.
Even though it's been twenty-two years since his death, my grandmother (Nanny is now 94 years old) still gets a little melancholy around the holidays. Rightly so. She has a lot of loved ones waiting for her in the afterlife. Two of her five children are no longer in body--one daughter passed three days before Thanksgiving last year. Nanny's last remaining sibling, a dear sister whom she daily spoke with on the phone, passed a few months ago. Her loss is still very real. Even though Nanny can't get out much (she broke her hip two years ago and is only able to walk a few steps to get from bed to wheelchair) and is very hard of hearing, she desires to be around people. She has always been a very social person. She lights up when her grandkids, great grandkids, and great-great grandkids come to visit.
If she was able to get about more easily, I'm sure she would enjoy being part of a group and do things with people. I recently discovered our local senior citizens center and was surprised at all the opportunities they offer for connecting around fun projects. Not only do they have quilting and crocheting groups (I love both of these crafts) they have a beauty shop, low-impact aerobics, work out equipment, walking trails, computer classes, a cafeteria, a chorus/choir, and a drama club—they put on shows for the community! Plus, they take field trips together all over the state. The charge is like $10 per month, so it is very affordable.
Being around people is a good way to take your mind off the constant grieving. I think this type of activity would be a huge benefit to a grieving senior person. What do you think?
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Grieving a Miscarriage
Mary Martin is our guest blogger today as she shares a touching story about how a little girl dealt with the death of her unborn baby sister when her family did not address the issue.
The Ice House
by Mary Martin
That's an old photograph of me taken the summer I turned nine. Squinting at the camera, I look as if I'm ready to run. Behind me, you can see a boy, several years older with dark curly hair and a pinched expression. That's my brother, Paul. You can tell from the tilt of the camera, that my older brother Pete took the picture.
We stayed in a small cottage high up on the rocks. To get to the water, we had to climb down a long rickety, staircase that arched its way among the bleached white rocks to the narrow beach below. One afternoon, coming out of the water, I felt something soft and thick on the back of my leg. I tried to brush it off.
Paul started laughing. "It's a worm, Francie!"
Pete tried to knock it off with a stick, but it wouldn't come.
I ran up the staircase as fast I could. In the cottage, I tried to stop my short, panicky sobs. Horror slowly spread across Mom's face as she tried to peel the black blob from my leg. Aunt Margaret got the salt and Dad poured it on the worm. Slowly, the creature curled smaller and dropped off. For days, I couldn't help fingering the long dent under the bandage made by the blood sucker. It seemed like a big chunk of me was missing. I wasn't allowed to go swimming for a while, but I didn't really want to.
The best part about the cottage was the ice house. Beyond the road running behind the cottage was a low building set in among the pine trees, which seemed to rise up forever. A man from the lodge would come every few days in his truck to unload the large blocks of ice for the cottagers. Made of old pine boards hammered together, the ice house kept listing dangerously to one side. The damp smell of sawdust drew you in. Waves of cold from the big blocks of ice strewn across the floor froze you solid. With the door pulled shut, the darkness inside was broken by bright knotholes of sunshine streaming in. Paul and I spent many afternoons defending the ice house with our stick rifles thrust through the holes. Holding our breath, we waited for the enemy attacks.
I was always liked playing with Paul, but it didn't happen often. He thought I was too little. But he had the best games, even though some of them were really strange. Because Mom was expecting the new baby late that summer, she was pretty tired and we weren't supposed to bother her. So, I hung around Paul a lot.
One afternoon, I asked P`ul, "What do you think it'll be like with the new baby?"
Paul threw down his stick rifle and stared at me. "Who cares?" His face scrunched up. "Smarten up, Francie! You think it'll be like playing with your dumb dolls." With his face all pinched and angry, he started across the floor at me. "Well, it won't. Everything will be different."
He pushed me hard and I fell back against the huge iron tongs hanging on a nail by the door. He backed away. I could tell from his smile, he was thinking something up.
"You know, they torture people in here with those tongs," he said slowly. His glance forbade challenge.
"They take ice to the cottages with them." I insisted. Then, trying to sound grown up, I said, "Everyone knows that."
"Boy, are you dumb!" Paul shook his head slowly and peered out the knothole."Everyone knows that!" he mimicked.
Then he whispered so low I could hardly hear him. "They do it out here only at night, when babies like you are asleep."
Paul pretended to concentrate on the enemy. Even though I couldn't see his face, I decided to call his bluff, which wasn't easy for me. "How do you know? Mom and Dad don't let you out here at night."
Slowly, my brother turned away from the wall. The stream of sunlight illuminated his piteous expression. He sighed deeply. "Don't you know anything? You can sneak out once dad starts snoring."
Slowly, he reached up and lifted the tongs from the nail. They were so heavy, he almost stumbled. "Listen, if you stop acting like a stupid little kid, you can come tonight at midnight." Just like Paul to throw down the challenge.
"They heat the tongs up over a fire, before they use them." he added.
"Fire?" I thought I had him now. "There aren't any fires around here at night," I said.
With a grin, Paul turned on me in the doorway. "See what I mean? That's exactly what a baby would say." Then he was off, running ahead of me toward the cottage.
That night I lay in bed waiting for midnight and thinking about what Paul had said about the baby. I was still trying to figure out how babies were made. Mom wasn't much help. Something about bees and flowers. When Aunt Margaret tried to tell me, I got even more confused.
I liked Aunt Margaret a lot. If I had any idea of myself as a grown up woman, Aunt Margaret was everything I wanted to be. She had long, dark hair which was so shiny, I always wanted to touch it. When she laughed, it was a deep, husky laugh which hinted at something I didn't understand, but wanted to imitate. Sometimes I listened to her and Mom talking. Aunt Margaret was a nurse and I heard her talking about girls getting rid of their babies, at the hospital. I didn't believe it. Babies got sick and mothers got them better.
Finally, it was midnight. With the flashlight, I picked out the path through the bushes. When I crept into the ice house, it was really cold and still.
Paul's voice was harsh and tense. "Turn that thing off!" he hissed. I did. We were in darkness until my eyes adjusted. I could barely see him behind a huge box-like shape.
"Now," he whispered, "I'm going to show you how they heat up the tongs. They'll be here pretty soon."
"Who's coming?" I asked, not moving from the doorway.
"Them. All the members of the Secret Society!"
I heard a metallic click and then smelled the sick smell of lighter fluid. Paul had taken Dad's lighter. When the candle flickered, I could see. Paul’s grinning face, like a skull. What had looked like a box, really was one, except it was cut out in a funny shape and looked like an altar. The tongs were laid across the top of the box. Carefully, he set the candle underneath the one end of the tongs.
Sitting back, with great satisfaction, he said, "Now we wait."
"Wait for what?" I asked.
Paul looked at me in disgust. "I shouldn't have let you come. You're just too little for this! I said they'd be here and I have to be ready with the tongs."
Paul scuffed his foot and knocked the box over. The candle tipped sideways. The box began to dance in flames. I thought it was part of the plan, but his gasp told me it wasn't. For an instant, we watched the growing flames in fascination.
Paul knocked the tongs to the ground. Spreading his arms, he grasped both ends of the burning cardboard. He ran fast with the flaming box held high. The fire seemed to die out as he neared the cottage, but then it burst out again. His screams pierced the silent woods.
He's crazy, I thought. He'll wake everyone. Then I saw his shirt was on fire.
Dad was chasing him down the lawn. Paul flung himself toward the water's edge. Dad caught him and threw him to the ground. The shrieks became a low keening sound.
Aunt Margaret backed the car onto the lawn. Mom stumbled trying to get Paul up. Climbing in the car beside him, she slammed the door shut. Her face was pale and white in the window. Paul's shrieks rose above the engine's roar as the car bounced down the lane for town.
Unable to move, I stood alone on the lawn. Aunt Margaret and Pete brought me into the cottage. I kept saying, "The candle fell over. The box caught on fire. Paul was trying to get it to the water."
"But why?" asked Aunt Margaret. "What was he trying to do?"
I searched her face for an answer. "I don't know!" I said at last. "Something to do with a secret society and torturing people. One of his stupid games."
I couldn't lie down on my own bed. Finally, curling up on the verandah cot. I fell asleep staring at the moon. When I awoke the next morning, I was lying in the exact same position.
The sky was tinted pink with red streaks in it. Slowly, I turned on my back. I heard my Aunt talking on the phone. Finally, she hung up and came out to the verandah and sat on the end of the cot.
"Dad called from the hospital, Francie." I nodded and waited. "Paul will be all right. The burns aren't too bad."
I rubbed my eyes and watched her. I knew there was more.
"Francie?" She edged toward me awkwardly. "Your mom lost the baby last night."
I lay very still. When I finally spoke, I didn't recognize my own voice. "You mean the baby died?"
"Yes." said Margaret quietly.
I wrenched myself away from her hand and buried my face in the pillow. It was Paul's fault. His stupid games! The lump in my throat was so hard, I thought my head would burst. I didn't ask Margaret what was wrong with the baby, or why it died. I just asked, "It was a girl, wasn't it?" Aunt Margaret looked at me strangely and nodded.
After awhile, I got off the cot and went to my room. Standing on a chair, I could just reach the top shelf of the closet. I found the only dress I'd brought to the cottage. Mom usually helped me with the zipper, so it took a long time to dress without her. I went out to the kitchen. Pete and Aunt Margaret were sitting at the table. They weren't talking.
Standing in the doorway, I asked, "Will this be okay for the funeral?"
"Funeral?" asked Margaret carefully.
"Yes, for the baby."
Margaret was leading me to the couch and trying not to cry. "Francie, they don't have funerals when this happens."
"Why not?"
Margaret looked at me helplessly. "They just don't. I don't know why." Tears were running down her cheeks as she tried to hold me close.
I pushed her away hard, then ran from the cottage, as fast as I could, across the road to the ice house. I sat inside for a long time with my back against the biggest block of ice I could find. The cold made me ache all over. It was all because of the fire, I thought. I hated Paul and his stupid games. Then I got an idea.
Aunt Margaret and Pete were out looking for me, so it was easy to sneak back into the cottage. At the back of Mom's closet, I found a shoe box. In my room, Annabel, my doll was propped up against the pillow. There were lots of doll clothes in my suitcase and I went through them carefully, until I found just the right one. I took a long time dressing Annabel in her white dress. I sang to her while I combed her hair and washed her face. Then I placed her in the shoe box. She didn't look right just lying there, so I tucked the best hand towel I could find around her.
Back at the ice house, I got a shovel. I had to find the right spot. It was quiet and shady at the back. The hole was really hard to dig. The shoe box had to be buried deep enough. At last, I could make it fit.
Opening the lid for the last time, I kissed Annabel and stared at her for ages. I felt better, but the hard lump in my throat came back when I covered the box with earth.
Right away, I knew I needed a gravestone. In the bushes, I found enough stones to build one. I sat back against the wall and tried to think of the right words. I had never been to a funeral, so I had a lot of trouble.
Much later, Pete came around the back of the ice house. He looked relieved to see me, but I could tell he thought I looked really strange sitting there in my best dress, beside a bunch of stones.
I thought he would be mad, but he just said, "What are you doing, Francie? We've been hunting all over for you." He didn't look right at me.
"Can't you see? I've been having the funeral." Then I really started crying and couldn't stop. Pete sat down beside me and put his arm around my shoulder. Sitting together like that, I was glad he just waited and didn't try to make me stop and talk. When I was only sniffling, he helped me up and held my hand all the way back from the ice house.
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
The Ice House
by Mary Martin
That's an old photograph of me taken the summer I turned nine. Squinting at the camera, I look as if I'm ready to run. Behind me, you can see a boy, several years older with dark curly hair and a pinched expression. That's my brother, Paul. You can tell from the tilt of the camera, that my older brother Pete took the picture.
We stayed in a small cottage high up on the rocks. To get to the water, we had to climb down a long rickety, staircase that arched its way among the bleached white rocks to the narrow beach below. One afternoon, coming out of the water, I felt something soft and thick on the back of my leg. I tried to brush it off.
Paul started laughing. "It's a worm, Francie!"
Pete tried to knock it off with a stick, but it wouldn't come.
I ran up the staircase as fast I could. In the cottage, I tried to stop my short, panicky sobs. Horror slowly spread across Mom's face as she tried to peel the black blob from my leg. Aunt Margaret got the salt and Dad poured it on the worm. Slowly, the creature curled smaller and dropped off. For days, I couldn't help fingering the long dent under the bandage made by the blood sucker. It seemed like a big chunk of me was missing. I wasn't allowed to go swimming for a while, but I didn't really want to.
The best part about the cottage was the ice house. Beyond the road running behind the cottage was a low building set in among the pine trees, which seemed to rise up forever. A man from the lodge would come every few days in his truck to unload the large blocks of ice for the cottagers. Made of old pine boards hammered together, the ice house kept listing dangerously to one side. The damp smell of sawdust drew you in. Waves of cold from the big blocks of ice strewn across the floor froze you solid. With the door pulled shut, the darkness inside was broken by bright knotholes of sunshine streaming in. Paul and I spent many afternoons defending the ice house with our stick rifles thrust through the holes. Holding our breath, we waited for the enemy attacks.
I was always liked playing with Paul, but it didn't happen often. He thought I was too little. But he had the best games, even though some of them were really strange. Because Mom was expecting the new baby late that summer, she was pretty tired and we weren't supposed to bother her. So, I hung around Paul a lot.
One afternoon, I asked P`ul, "What do you think it'll be like with the new baby?"
Paul threw down his stick rifle and stared at me. "Who cares?" His face scrunched up. "Smarten up, Francie! You think it'll be like playing with your dumb dolls." With his face all pinched and angry, he started across the floor at me. "Well, it won't. Everything will be different."
He pushed me hard and I fell back against the huge iron tongs hanging on a nail by the door. He backed away. I could tell from his smile, he was thinking something up.
"You know, they torture people in here with those tongs," he said slowly. His glance forbade challenge.
"They take ice to the cottages with them." I insisted. Then, trying to sound grown up, I said, "Everyone knows that."
"Boy, are you dumb!" Paul shook his head slowly and peered out the knothole."Everyone knows that!" he mimicked.
Then he whispered so low I could hardly hear him. "They do it out here only at night, when babies like you are asleep."
Paul pretended to concentrate on the enemy. Even though I couldn't see his face, I decided to call his bluff, which wasn't easy for me. "How do you know? Mom and Dad don't let you out here at night."
Slowly, my brother turned away from the wall. The stream of sunlight illuminated his piteous expression. He sighed deeply. "Don't you know anything? You can sneak out once dad starts snoring."
Slowly, he reached up and lifted the tongs from the nail. They were so heavy, he almost stumbled. "Listen, if you stop acting like a stupid little kid, you can come tonight at midnight." Just like Paul to throw down the challenge.
"They heat the tongs up over a fire, before they use them." he added.
"Fire?" I thought I had him now. "There aren't any fires around here at night," I said.
With a grin, Paul turned on me in the doorway. "See what I mean? That's exactly what a baby would say." Then he was off, running ahead of me toward the cottage.
That night I lay in bed waiting for midnight and thinking about what Paul had said about the baby. I was still trying to figure out how babies were made. Mom wasn't much help. Something about bees and flowers. When Aunt Margaret tried to tell me, I got even more confused.
I liked Aunt Margaret a lot. If I had any idea of myself as a grown up woman, Aunt Margaret was everything I wanted to be. She had long, dark hair which was so shiny, I always wanted to touch it. When she laughed, it was a deep, husky laugh which hinted at something I didn't understand, but wanted to imitate. Sometimes I listened to her and Mom talking. Aunt Margaret was a nurse and I heard her talking about girls getting rid of their babies, at the hospital. I didn't believe it. Babies got sick and mothers got them better.
Finally, it was midnight. With the flashlight, I picked out the path through the bushes. When I crept into the ice house, it was really cold and still.
Paul's voice was harsh and tense. "Turn that thing off!" he hissed. I did. We were in darkness until my eyes adjusted. I could barely see him behind a huge box-like shape.
"Now," he whispered, "I'm going to show you how they heat up the tongs. They'll be here pretty soon."
"Who's coming?" I asked, not moving from the doorway.
"Them. All the members of the Secret Society!"
I heard a metallic click and then smelled the sick smell of lighter fluid. Paul had taken Dad's lighter. When the candle flickered, I could see. Paul’s grinning face, like a skull. What had looked like a box, really was one, except it was cut out in a funny shape and looked like an altar. The tongs were laid across the top of the box. Carefully, he set the candle underneath the one end of the tongs.
Sitting back, with great satisfaction, he said, "Now we wait."
"Wait for what?" I asked.
Paul looked at me in disgust. "I shouldn't have let you come. You're just too little for this! I said they'd be here and I have to be ready with the tongs."
Paul scuffed his foot and knocked the box over. The candle tipped sideways. The box began to dance in flames. I thought it was part of the plan, but his gasp told me it wasn't. For an instant, we watched the growing flames in fascination.
Paul knocked the tongs to the ground. Spreading his arms, he grasped both ends of the burning cardboard. He ran fast with the flaming box held high. The fire seemed to die out as he neared the cottage, but then it burst out again. His screams pierced the silent woods.
He's crazy, I thought. He'll wake everyone. Then I saw his shirt was on fire.
Dad was chasing him down the lawn. Paul flung himself toward the water's edge. Dad caught him and threw him to the ground. The shrieks became a low keening sound.
Aunt Margaret backed the car onto the lawn. Mom stumbled trying to get Paul up. Climbing in the car beside him, she slammed the door shut. Her face was pale and white in the window. Paul's shrieks rose above the engine's roar as the car bounced down the lane for town.
Unable to move, I stood alone on the lawn. Aunt Margaret and Pete brought me into the cottage. I kept saying, "The candle fell over. The box caught on fire. Paul was trying to get it to the water."
"But why?" asked Aunt Margaret. "What was he trying to do?"
I searched her face for an answer. "I don't know!" I said at last. "Something to do with a secret society and torturing people. One of his stupid games."
I couldn't lie down on my own bed. Finally, curling up on the verandah cot. I fell asleep staring at the moon. When I awoke the next morning, I was lying in the exact same position.
The sky was tinted pink with red streaks in it. Slowly, I turned on my back. I heard my Aunt talking on the phone. Finally, she hung up and came out to the verandah and sat on the end of the cot.
"Dad called from the hospital, Francie." I nodded and waited. "Paul will be all right. The burns aren't too bad."
I rubbed my eyes and watched her. I knew there was more.
"Francie?" She edged toward me awkwardly. "Your mom lost the baby last night."
I lay very still. When I finally spoke, I didn't recognize my own voice. "You mean the baby died?"
"Yes." said Margaret quietly.
I wrenched myself away from her hand and buried my face in the pillow. It was Paul's fault. His stupid games! The lump in my throat was so hard, I thought my head would burst. I didn't ask Margaret what was wrong with the baby, or why it died. I just asked, "It was a girl, wasn't it?" Aunt Margaret looked at me strangely and nodded.
After awhile, I got off the cot and went to my room. Standing on a chair, I could just reach the top shelf of the closet. I found the only dress I'd brought to the cottage. Mom usually helped me with the zipper, so it took a long time to dress without her. I went out to the kitchen. Pete and Aunt Margaret were sitting at the table. They weren't talking.
Standing in the doorway, I asked, "Will this be okay for the funeral?"
"Funeral?" asked Margaret carefully.
"Yes, for the baby."
Margaret was leading me to the couch and trying not to cry. "Francie, they don't have funerals when this happens."
"Why not?"
Margaret looked at me helplessly. "They just don't. I don't know why." Tears were running down her cheeks as she tried to hold me close.
I pushed her away hard, then ran from the cottage, as fast as I could, across the road to the ice house. I sat inside for a long time with my back against the biggest block of ice I could find. The cold made me ache all over. It was all because of the fire, I thought. I hated Paul and his stupid games. Then I got an idea.
Aunt Margaret and Pete were out looking for me, so it was easy to sneak back into the cottage. At the back of Mom's closet, I found a shoe box. In my room, Annabel, my doll was propped up against the pillow. There were lots of doll clothes in my suitcase and I went through them carefully, until I found just the right one. I took a long time dressing Annabel in her white dress. I sang to her while I combed her hair and washed her face. Then I placed her in the shoe box. She didn't look right just lying there, so I tucked the best hand towel I could find around her.
Back at the ice house, I got a shovel. I had to find the right spot. It was quiet and shady at the back. The hole was really hard to dig. The shoe box had to be buried deep enough. At last, I could make it fit.
Opening the lid for the last time, I kissed Annabel and stared at her for ages. I felt better, but the hard lump in my throat came back when I covered the box with earth.
Right away, I knew I needed a gravestone. In the bushes, I found enough stones to build one. I sat back against the wall and tried to think of the right words. I had never been to a funeral, so I had a lot of trouble.
Much later, Pete came around the back of the ice house. He looked relieved to see me, but I could tell he thought I looked really strange sitting there in my best dress, beside a bunch of stones.
I thought he would be mad, but he just said, "What are you doing, Francie? We've been hunting all over for you." He didn't look right at me.
"Can't you see? I've been having the funeral." Then I really started crying and couldn't stop. Pete sat down beside me and put his arm around my shoulder. Sitting together like that, I was glad he just waited and didn't try to make me stop and talk. When I was only sniffling, he helped me up and held my hand all the way back from the ice house.
Mary E. Martin, a lawyer, she wrote the legal suspense novels of The Osgoode Trilogy, Conduct in Question, Final Paradox and A Trial of One. She has just published the first novel in the next trilogy, set in not in the world of law, but art—The Drawing Lesson, the first in the Trilogy of Remembrance. Presently, she is immersed in the second draft of the next novel in this trilogy, provisionally called, The Fate of Pryde. Married, she and her husband live in Toronto and have three adult children. http://www.theosgoodetrilogy.com/
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
Monday, December 6, 2010
Resisting Grief
When we lose a loved one, we go through a multitude of emotions before finally reaching acceptance. We may dislike the changes that are occurring as a result and may feel very dissatisfied with our lives without that person.
“I don’t like this!”
“I’m not ready to let go!”
“It’s too much for me to bear!”
“This shouldn’t have happened!"
These thoughts come to our mind when we can’t acknowledge the simple truth that everything in the universe is flowing, and that we must flow with life rather than resist it. In denying what is happening, and refusing to move on, we fight against the universe and the whole of creation. This fight is a lost cause from the very beginning because the universal cycles of life and death are very powerful.
When we think about our life circumstances in terms of “it should be this way” or “it shouldn’t be that way,” we ignore the fact that everything happens for a reason, and though we may not know the reason, it is supported by the creative force of everything that exists. Souls make choices on an unconscious level and may depart before we are ready to let go of them. We may doubly grieve if the loved one we lost was very young or healthy or died suddenly through the actions of another person or random event. If we could see the bigger picture from a higher perspective, things would look a lot different.
We try to be strong for ourselves and others during a crisis, but repressing our own feelings only traps negative energy that can detrimentally affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When our rational mind produces thoughts of resistance, our positive energy comes to a standstill. It stagnates and accumulates an excess of negative energy that leads to physical or emotional suffering. Before long, we grow accustomed to feeling bad and this attracts more painful experiences that lead to further accumulation of negativity that attracts more of the same, and so forth.
So what is one to do in order to move from denial, anger, bargaining, and depression into acceptance? There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but there are ways to move through grief more quickly without allowing it to harm your health.
Feel what you feel. Admit that you are angry, suffering, or depressed and ask for Divine help in dealing with your personal response to the situation at hand. God can handle your anger—it’s just an “E” motion—energy in motion. Energy is meant to be in constant motion; not to get stuck in your body where it can damage your cells. Expressing your emotions releases them, so don’t be afraid to cry, punch, or scream into your pillow to let go of the pent up feelings.
Be real. Live authentically by being honest with yourself. Who are you angry with? Why are you angry about your current situation? How does this anger serve you? What worries you most? Are there any positive steps you can take to make the situation better? What would your life look like in a couple of months if you make wise decisions now? Think of the many ways your faith in a higher power can help you move on.
Once you have let go of any energy that has lodged in your body and mind, you will have a better outlook on life and will be able to make decisions based upon logic and intuition rather than knee-jerk reactions you may regret later.
“I don’t like this!”
“I’m not ready to let go!”
“It’s too much for me to bear!”
“This shouldn’t have happened!"
These thoughts come to our mind when we can’t acknowledge the simple truth that everything in the universe is flowing, and that we must flow with life rather than resist it. In denying what is happening, and refusing to move on, we fight against the universe and the whole of creation. This fight is a lost cause from the very beginning because the universal cycles of life and death are very powerful.
When we think about our life circumstances in terms of “it should be this way” or “it shouldn’t be that way,” we ignore the fact that everything happens for a reason, and though we may not know the reason, it is supported by the creative force of everything that exists. Souls make choices on an unconscious level and may depart before we are ready to let go of them. We may doubly grieve if the loved one we lost was very young or healthy or died suddenly through the actions of another person or random event. If we could see the bigger picture from a higher perspective, things would look a lot different.
We try to be strong for ourselves and others during a crisis, but repressing our own feelings only traps negative energy that can detrimentally affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When our rational mind produces thoughts of resistance, our positive energy comes to a standstill. It stagnates and accumulates an excess of negative energy that leads to physical or emotional suffering. Before long, we grow accustomed to feeling bad and this attracts more painful experiences that lead to further accumulation of negativity that attracts more of the same, and so forth.
So what is one to do in order to move from denial, anger, bargaining, and depression into acceptance? There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but there are ways to move through grief more quickly without allowing it to harm your health.
Feel what you feel. Admit that you are angry, suffering, or depressed and ask for Divine help in dealing with your personal response to the situation at hand. God can handle your anger—it’s just an “E” motion—energy in motion. Energy is meant to be in constant motion; not to get stuck in your body where it can damage your cells. Expressing your emotions releases them, so don’t be afraid to cry, punch, or scream into your pillow to let go of the pent up feelings.
Be real. Live authentically by being honest with yourself. Who are you angry with? Why are you angry about your current situation? How does this anger serve you? What worries you most? Are there any positive steps you can take to make the situation better? What would your life look like in a couple of months if you make wise decisions now? Think of the many ways your faith in a higher power can help you move on.
Once you have let go of any energy that has lodged in your body and mind, you will have a better outlook on life and will be able to make decisions based upon logic and intuition rather than knee-jerk reactions you may regret later.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Elderly and Children Interact
Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I spent time at my parent's house. My 94-year-old grandmother, whom we call Nanny, lives with them. My adult children and my three grandchildren were also at my parent's during the holiday last week.
Ever since Nanny fell and broke her hip two years ago, she has not been able to walk without a walker or wheel chair. For about a year and a half, she couldn't walk at all and had to be hoisted in and out of bed with a hydraulic lift.
My oldest grandson Sidney is nearly ten years old; he remembers when Nanny was mobile enough to help clean house and cook dinner. He is also accustomed to seeing her incapacitated and using a variety of medical equipment. He loved to swing in the hoist and ride up and down on the wheelchair lift on my mom's van when Nanny had need of those items. You can see him borrowing Nanny's walker to steady himself on roller blades!
My two younger grandsons, Liam and Jonas, (born two weeks apart in 2009) are now 17 months old. They have an entirely different relationship with Nanny.

Jonas has visited Nanny more often than Liam has. Jonas is quite comfortable with Nanny and will sit in the bed next to her and jabber away. He brings toys to her when she's sitting in her lift chair in the living room. He likes to push the buttons and make her go up and down.
Liam will have nothing to do with Nanny other than stare at her from across the room. He cries if she reaches out to touch him, and he screamed and climbed my body trying to keep me from putting him in bed next to her. I didn't force the issue. I simply held him and stepped back from her bed and he stopped crying. He also associates the wheelchair with Nanny and is intimidated by it. He really didn't want to be in the wheelchair for this photo shoot, but since his cousins were playing in it and my mom was taking them for a ride, he bore with our shenanigans.
In summary, I think this comfort level (or lack thereof) has a lot to do with what a child gets used to, but it's also a difference in personality. Jonas is more outgoing than Liam in most ways, but I'm sure Liam would come to accept Nanny and her gear if he were around her more.
I think it is a good idea to let children try out the medical equipment used by an elderly or disabled family member as long as they don't get hurt or break the equipment. It's a good experience for children to interact with the elderly, but it should not be forced upon them. How do you feel about this?
You might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
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My oldest grandson Sidney is nearly ten years old; he remembers when Nanny was mobile enough to help clean house and cook dinner. He is also accustomed to seeing her incapacitated and using a variety of medical equipment. He loved to swing in the hoist and ride up and down on the wheelchair lift on my mom's van when Nanny had need of those items. You can see him borrowing Nanny's walker to steady himself on roller blades!
My two younger grandsons, Liam and Jonas, (born two weeks apart in 2009) are now 17 months old. They have an entirely different relationship with Nanny.
Jonas has visited Nanny more often than Liam has. Jonas is quite comfortable with Nanny and will sit in the bed next to her and jabber away. He brings toys to her when she's sitting in her lift chair in the living room. He likes to push the buttons and make her go up and down.
Liam will have nothing to do with Nanny other than stare at her from across the room. He cries if she reaches out to touch him, and he screamed and climbed my body trying to keep me from putting him in bed next to her. I didn't force the issue. I simply held him and stepped back from her bed and he stopped crying. He also associates the wheelchair with Nanny and is intimidated by it. He really didn't want to be in the wheelchair for this photo shoot, but since his cousins were playing in it and my mom was taking them for a ride, he bore with our shenanigans.
In summary, I think this comfort level (or lack thereof) has a lot to do with what a child gets used to, but it's also a difference in personality. Jonas is more outgoing than Liam in most ways, but I'm sure Liam would come to accept Nanny and her gear if he were around her more.
I think it is a good idea to let children try out the medical equipment used by an elderly or disabled family member as long as they don't get hurt or break the equipment. It's a good experience for children to interact with the elderly, but it should not be forced upon them. How do you feel about this?
You might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A Story by Author Mary E. Martin
Today we have a story written by author Mary E. Martin that shows how we entertain angels and our “deceased” loved ones unaware. Be sure to visit Mary at http://www.thedrawinglesson.com/ or http://www.theosgoodetrilogy.com/.
John McGrath looked up from the busy street and read the sign: Cavendish Hotel. Pulling open the front door, he stepped in to find a small foyer of potted plants, mirrors and vinyl covered furniture. Wearily, he set his bag down at the reception desk and rang the bell. He had to find a place to sleep. The desk clerk lumbered from the back room and looked at him crossly, as if he had been disturbed from a late afternoon nap. After signing the register, John took the key to his room and found the tiny elevator around a pillar and down a dark hallway.
To his great surprise, the elevator was beautifully crafted with dark mahogany wood and gleaming brass. The doors clanged shut and he pressed the button for the fifth floor. The cage rose swiftly through the dark shaft and stopped. The doors opened and John stepped out.
"Good evening, sir." A small man appeared in the shadowy hallway dressed in an old fashioned bell cap's uniform of the deepest blue, with buttons and braid of the shiniest gold. John nodded and sought to pass him.
"Let me take that, sir?" The bell boy took John's case and hurried down the red carpeted hallway." Looking over his shoulder, the bellman grinned. "Room 502, a very nice one, to be sure, sir."
Again John simply nodded. All he could think of was to sink onto the bed and with any luck, straight to sleep. Once in the room, he looked about. Not a room he expected to find in a run-down hotel. The bed was wide and comfortable looking, with a huge headboard. Little framed prints covered the walls and to one side was a very large armchair, sofa and table. He tipped the bellman, who touched his cap, clicked his heels and disappeared.
John switched on the light in the bathroom and immediately saw his gray, haggard face in the mirror above the sink. Taking a towel, he ran the water as hot as he could, then washed his face. No wonder he looked so sick. He could never sleep properly. A whole year had passed since his wife and son had been killed in a car accident. He dreaded tonight, the anniversary of their deaths as if he were a convict on death row awaiting execution. He patted his face dry and turned to go back into the bedroom.
He opened the door. His mouth gaped open. Before him was set a beautiful table laden with white linen, gleaming silver and crystal glasses. The bellman entered the room with steaming silver dishes filled with the most delicious smelling food. John shook his head in disbelief. The bellman smiled and after setting the dishes out on the table, pulled the chair out for John.
John could not believe his eyes, but slowly he sank into the chair. The small man lifted one cover after another from the serving dishes and began to spoon out potatoes, corn and peas and then he carved two slices of succulent roast beef and set them on the plate before John. To his surprise, the food was real. He was not dreaming. Scooping up some vegetables, he tasted them carefully. It was hot and delicious. After months of no appetite, John was suddenly ravenously hungry. He grasped his knife and cut the meat. For the next ten minutes, he ate without pause, feeling warmth and energy flood through his body. The bellman nodded approvingly and poured John a glass of wine. Only when he had finished all the food on his plate, did he pause to take a sip. He felt life coursing through his veins.
John glanced about the room and was surprised to see a maid near the window. Smiling, she approached the table and set out the dessert.
"You have eaten with such a good appetite, sir," she said. "But why do you look so sad?"
John tossed down his napkin and pushed back his chair. He looked at his watch. "Because, at this time exactly, one year ago, my wife and son, whom I loved with all my heart, were killed in a car accident." John stifled a sob. "And since then, I have been unable to sleep or eat. I miss them so much.
The bellman and the maid exchanged worried glances.
"But John," the maid said softly, "do you think that just because it is daylight, the stars are no longer in the heavens?"
"Of course, not. That would be foolish."
"Just because you are surrounded by fog, do you think the world has disappeared?"
John sighed heavily. "Really! Don't bother me with silly questions. They are gone forever and I am alone."
The maid shook her head sadly. The bellman spoke. "We will leave you now, sir as you seem very tired. But please remember, your wife and son are always with you."
Glad to be left alone, John nodded then sank wearily on the bed. The bellman and the maid closed the door softly behind them. For a whole year, he had been afraid to lie down in bed, expecting to be tortured by longing for his family. But tonight, he settled comfortably on top of the covers. Within a moment, he was breathing deeply and fast asleep.
He slept a deep and dreamless sleep without moving once in the night.
In the morning, he awoke for the first time in a year, completely rested. He sat up expecting to see the dinner table and the dishes from last night. The room was entirely clean. Not a trace of the meal remained. How strange, he thought. He had not heard the man and woman come back for the dishes.
Puzzled, he packed his few things in his bag and stepped into the hallway. He half expected to see the maid or bellman, but then realized that they would not be on the morning shift.
Downstairs at the front desk, John examined the bill. Being an honest man, he said to the clerk, "But there is no charge for the delicious dinner the bellman and the maid served me last night."
The clerk looked at John in astonishment. "What are you talking about, sir. We haven't had room service in this hotel for at least fifty years. Most of the rooms are closed off. In fact, except for the night clerk, I'm the only one working here."
"But the man and the woman...they served me a roast beef dinner."
The clerk began to chuckle. "And did they send up the dancing girls, too?"
"What?" John backed away from the desk. "All right. Here's the money for the room."
Quickly John picked up his bag and headed for the door. Outside, he stopped on the steps. On the sidewalk, stood the bellman, resplendent in his uniform. Seeing John, the man tipped his cap and said, "Good morning, John. I trust you slept well. Your family has not forgotten you."
Smiling, John said goodbye and hurried down the street with life in his stride.
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
John McGrath looked up from the busy street and read the sign: Cavendish Hotel. Pulling open the front door, he stepped in to find a small foyer of potted plants, mirrors and vinyl covered furniture. Wearily, he set his bag down at the reception desk and rang the bell. He had to find a place to sleep. The desk clerk lumbered from the back room and looked at him crossly, as if he had been disturbed from a late afternoon nap. After signing the register, John took the key to his room and found the tiny elevator around a pillar and down a dark hallway.
To his great surprise, the elevator was beautifully crafted with dark mahogany wood and gleaming brass. The doors clanged shut and he pressed the button for the fifth floor. The cage rose swiftly through the dark shaft and stopped. The doors opened and John stepped out.
"Good evening, sir." A small man appeared in the shadowy hallway dressed in an old fashioned bell cap's uniform of the deepest blue, with buttons and braid of the shiniest gold. John nodded and sought to pass him.
"Let me take that, sir?" The bell boy took John's case and hurried down the red carpeted hallway." Looking over his shoulder, the bellman grinned. "Room 502, a very nice one, to be sure, sir."
Again John simply nodded. All he could think of was to sink onto the bed and with any luck, straight to sleep. Once in the room, he looked about. Not a room he expected to find in a run-down hotel. The bed was wide and comfortable looking, with a huge headboard. Little framed prints covered the walls and to one side was a very large armchair, sofa and table. He tipped the bellman, who touched his cap, clicked his heels and disappeared.
John switched on the light in the bathroom and immediately saw his gray, haggard face in the mirror above the sink. Taking a towel, he ran the water as hot as he could, then washed his face. No wonder he looked so sick. He could never sleep properly. A whole year had passed since his wife and son had been killed in a car accident. He dreaded tonight, the anniversary of their deaths as if he were a convict on death row awaiting execution. He patted his face dry and turned to go back into the bedroom.
He opened the door. His mouth gaped open. Before him was set a beautiful table laden with white linen, gleaming silver and crystal glasses. The bellman entered the room with steaming silver dishes filled with the most delicious smelling food. John shook his head in disbelief. The bellman smiled and after setting the dishes out on the table, pulled the chair out for John.
John could not believe his eyes, but slowly he sank into the chair. The small man lifted one cover after another from the serving dishes and began to spoon out potatoes, corn and peas and then he carved two slices of succulent roast beef and set them on the plate before John. To his surprise, the food was real. He was not dreaming. Scooping up some vegetables, he tasted them carefully. It was hot and delicious. After months of no appetite, John was suddenly ravenously hungry. He grasped his knife and cut the meat. For the next ten minutes, he ate without pause, feeling warmth and energy flood through his body. The bellman nodded approvingly and poured John a glass of wine. Only when he had finished all the food on his plate, did he pause to take a sip. He felt life coursing through his veins.
John glanced about the room and was surprised to see a maid near the window. Smiling, she approached the table and set out the dessert.
"You have eaten with such a good appetite, sir," she said. "But why do you look so sad?"
John tossed down his napkin and pushed back his chair. He looked at his watch. "Because, at this time exactly, one year ago, my wife and son, whom I loved with all my heart, were killed in a car accident." John stifled a sob. "And since then, I have been unable to sleep or eat. I miss them so much.
The bellman and the maid exchanged worried glances.
"But John," the maid said softly, "do you think that just because it is daylight, the stars are no longer in the heavens?"
"Of course, not. That would be foolish."
"Just because you are surrounded by fog, do you think the world has disappeared?"
John sighed heavily. "Really! Don't bother me with silly questions. They are gone forever and I am alone."
The maid shook her head sadly. The bellman spoke. "We will leave you now, sir as you seem very tired. But please remember, your wife and son are always with you."
Glad to be left alone, John nodded then sank wearily on the bed. The bellman and the maid closed the door softly behind them. For a whole year, he had been afraid to lie down in bed, expecting to be tortured by longing for his family. But tonight, he settled comfortably on top of the covers. Within a moment, he was breathing deeply and fast asleep.
He slept a deep and dreamless sleep without moving once in the night.
In the morning, he awoke for the first time in a year, completely rested. He sat up expecting to see the dinner table and the dishes from last night. The room was entirely clean. Not a trace of the meal remained. How strange, he thought. He had not heard the man and woman come back for the dishes.
Puzzled, he packed his few things in his bag and stepped into the hallway. He half expected to see the maid or bellman, but then realized that they would not be on the morning shift.
Downstairs at the front desk, John examined the bill. Being an honest man, he said to the clerk, "But there is no charge for the delicious dinner the bellman and the maid served me last night."
The clerk looked at John in astonishment. "What are you talking about, sir. We haven't had room service in this hotel for at least fifty years. Most of the rooms are closed off. In fact, except for the night clerk, I'm the only one working here."
"But the man and the woman...they served me a roast beef dinner."
The clerk began to chuckle. "And did they send up the dancing girls, too?"
"What?" John backed away from the desk. "All right. Here's the money for the room."
Quickly John picked up his bag and headed for the door. Outside, he stopped on the steps. On the sidewalk, stood the bellman, resplendent in his uniform. Seeing John, the man tipped his cap and said, "Good morning, John. I trust you slept well. Your family has not forgotten you."
Smiling, John said goodbye and hurried down the street with life in his stride.
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Spirits Who Cross Over Are Able to Visit Us on Earth
There are times when a spirit has a personal message for me or another person. If I can deliver the message without causing discomfort to myself, I will try to do so.
For example, I was keeping my grandsons at their home while their parents were away for a week celebrating their tenth wedding anniversary.The day before Amanda and my son returned home, Amanda’s mother, Kendra (“Nanna K” as her grandchildren called her), dropped by in spirit. I knew and loved Kendra and didn’t even have to ask who the spirit was. There was a lightness, warmth, and sense of love surrounding me as I heard her say, “I’m just dropping by to check on my babies. It’s good to see you here. Thank you for all you do for Amanda and the boys.” I was glad she dropped by.
I was curious to know whether or not my seventeen-month-old grandson could see her so I asked Kendra to sit in the chair next to him. I said, “Jonas, your grandmother is here. Can you say hello?” He looked directly at the chair then back to me as if to say, "which one?" Both of his grandmothers were there!
I know earthbound spirits are able to interact with us on the earth plane, but I wasn't sure if those like Kendra who have crossed over and into the light were able to. Kendra's visit confirmed what I read in Mary Ann Winkowski's book, When Ghosts Speak. Those who cross over are able to visit many dimensions and vibrational planes, while those spirits who have not crossed over are stuck in the earth plane until they choose to cross over. I also find it interesting that we have free will and choice in the afterlife.
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
For example, I was keeping my grandsons at their home while their parents were away for a week celebrating their tenth wedding anniversary.The day before Amanda and my son returned home, Amanda’s mother, Kendra (“Nanna K” as her grandchildren called her), dropped by in spirit. I knew and loved Kendra and didn’t even have to ask who the spirit was. There was a lightness, warmth, and sense of love surrounding me as I heard her say, “I’m just dropping by to check on my babies. It’s good to see you here. Thank you for all you do for Amanda and the boys.” I was glad she dropped by.
I was curious to know whether or not my seventeen-month-old grandson could see her so I asked Kendra to sit in the chair next to him. I said, “Jonas, your grandmother is here. Can you say hello?” He looked directly at the chair then back to me as if to say, "which one?" Both of his grandmothers were there!
I know earthbound spirits are able to interact with us on the earth plane, but I wasn't sure if those like Kendra who have crossed over and into the light were able to. Kendra's visit confirmed what I read in Mary Ann Winkowski's book, When Ghosts Speak. Those who cross over are able to visit many dimensions and vibrational planes, while those spirits who have not crossed over are stuck in the earth plane until they choose to cross over. I also find it interesting that we have free will and choice in the afterlife.
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
What are Ghosts?
I've been reading a lot of books lately: When Ghosts Speak: Understanding the World of Earthbound Spirits
by Mary Ann Winkowski, The Spirits' Book, Inspiration and Resolution for the Questioning Soul by Allan Kardec, and Strangers Among Us
by Ruth Montgomery.
Mary Ann Winkowski is a paranormal investigator who sees earthbound ghosts with her physical eyes like the character, Melinda Gordon, played by Jennifer Love Hewitt on Ghost Whisperer. In fact, Winkowski provides consultation for the writers of the CBS show produced by John Gray. Mary Ann is an authority on earthbound spirits, while Kardec's writing is a compilation of messages channelled to mediums, and Montgomery received her information from her guides via automatic writing.
These credible works confirm what I believe about the afterlife. Ghosts that do not cross over into the Light upon "death" are not much different than human beings--they just don't have a body. Their personalities, likes, dislikes, motives, etc. are much the same as they were while in a body. Some kind beings stayed behind to help loved ones; others stayed behind to wrack havoc in the lives of humans.
However, what I was confused about prior to my research was the hierarchy of spirits. Why are some more elevated or powerful than others? From these channeled writings, I learned that there are levels through which a soul ascends as it achieves purification. The closer to the Creator a soul becomes, the more power and authority that soul has. Those in the higher realms can assist those not as purified, but those of a carnal nature that only intend harm are not allowed to access the realms enjoyed by the higher spirits.
There is work to be done in the afterlife, but since a soul is not hindered with the confines and ailments of a physical body, this works is accomplished without struggle or suffering. The work has to do with assisting the will and plan of the Creator to help others evolve.
Since there is free will at every level, a soul can choose whether or not to cross over upon departure from the human body. Winkowski's grandmother started taking her to funeral homes when she was four years old to communicate messages between the "deceased" and their loved ones. She reports that there is a tunnel of light open to every newly departed soul, but this opportunity exists for only a few days after the memorial service. Those who miss this chance to cross over will find a second chance available at funeral homes wherever a body lies in state.
Another point she makes is that earthbound loved ones can hear and see us, but they cannot visit us in dreams. Those who cross over typically appear to us in dreams and may drop in to visit from time to time. This view of the afterlife and the cycle of evolution is so assuring and loving that I could never again embrace fear-based religions that teach we have to get it right the first and only time in order to avoid hellfire and damnation.
Mary Ann Winkowski is a paranormal investigator who sees earthbound ghosts with her physical eyes like the character, Melinda Gordon, played by Jennifer Love Hewitt on Ghost Whisperer. In fact, Winkowski provides consultation for the writers of the CBS show produced by John Gray. Mary Ann is an authority on earthbound spirits, while Kardec's writing is a compilation of messages channelled to mediums, and Montgomery received her information from her guides via automatic writing.
These credible works confirm what I believe about the afterlife. Ghosts that do not cross over into the Light upon "death" are not much different than human beings--they just don't have a body. Their personalities, likes, dislikes, motives, etc. are much the same as they were while in a body. Some kind beings stayed behind to help loved ones; others stayed behind to wrack havoc in the lives of humans.
However, what I was confused about prior to my research was the hierarchy of spirits. Why are some more elevated or powerful than others? From these channeled writings, I learned that there are levels through which a soul ascends as it achieves purification. The closer to the Creator a soul becomes, the more power and authority that soul has. Those in the higher realms can assist those not as purified, but those of a carnal nature that only intend harm are not allowed to access the realms enjoyed by the higher spirits.
There is work to be done in the afterlife, but since a soul is not hindered with the confines and ailments of a physical body, this works is accomplished without struggle or suffering. The work has to do with assisting the will and plan of the Creator to help others evolve.
Since there is free will at every level, a soul can choose whether or not to cross over upon departure from the human body. Winkowski's grandmother started taking her to funeral homes when she was four years old to communicate messages between the "deceased" and their loved ones. She reports that there is a tunnel of light open to every newly departed soul, but this opportunity exists for only a few days after the memorial service. Those who miss this chance to cross over will find a second chance available at funeral homes wherever a body lies in state.
Another point she makes is that earthbound loved ones can hear and see us, but they cannot visit us in dreams. Those who cross over typically appear to us in dreams and may drop in to visit from time to time. This view of the afterlife and the cycle of evolution is so assuring and loving that I could never again embrace fear-based religions that teach we have to get it right the first and only time in order to avoid hellfire and damnation.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Speaker on Death and Grieving Topics
Yvonne Perry is available to speak about the topics presented on this blog and in her book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
There are some aspects of dying and death common to everyone regardless of background. These mainstream topics include hospice and palliative care; giving a dying patient permission to let go; the mind-body-spirit connection; helping a patient and family accept impending death; unplugging a dying patient from life support; signs that the end of life is near; and comforting the grieving family.
Those who are open to non-traditional thoughts will enjoy a presentation of the spiritual aspects surrounding death and dying, which include reincarnation; soul activity in the afterlife; assisting a soul in its release from the body; spirit communication during days/weeks after loved one dies; signs that a “deceased” loved one is trying to connect with a family member(s); and protocol for interacting with spirits. More info on this topic . . .
Learn more about Yvonne and her speaking experience.
There are some aspects of dying and death common to everyone regardless of background. These mainstream topics include hospice and palliative care; giving a dying patient permission to let go; the mind-body-spirit connection; helping a patient and family accept impending death; unplugging a dying patient from life support; signs that the end of life is near; and comforting the grieving family.
Those who are open to non-traditional thoughts will enjoy a presentation of the spiritual aspects surrounding death and dying, which include reincarnation; soul activity in the afterlife; assisting a soul in its release from the body; spirit communication during days/weeks after loved one dies; signs that a “deceased” loved one is trying to connect with a family member(s); and protocol for interacting with spirits. More info on this topic . . .
Learn more about Yvonne and her speaking experience.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Setting Boundaries With Spirits
That 100-foot voting boundary line sure seems to be getting closer to the door these days. As I walked through the exterior corridor to the library, I heard voices calling out on both sides of me:
"Would you be so kind as to vote for Candidate B?"
"I'm Candidate A. Thank you for voting for me today, ma'am."
"Please vote for Mr. Candidate."
"'Pre-shate yer vote for me. I'm running fer metro council."
It reminded me of the vendors hawking their wares in the villa when we visited the Dominican Republic. Every seller was offering some kind of bargain to passersby, trying to get the attention and money of every customer and beat out the competition.
I also got a mental picture of disembodied spirits (ghosts) who constantly surround us, yelling negative messages and trying to get us to do their bidding. There are energy-sensitive people who don't realize that the angry thoughts, criticism, depression, and other unloving voices they hear in their heads are not just their own mind chatter. These negative messages are actually attempts that Earth-bound spirits make to leech off our energy and fulfill their base desires through a human.
In my upcoming book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom From the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You, I will explore the how these entities affect us and how we can put up our own 100-foot boundary and make them repect our No Trespassing sign.
Folks who are looking for help with turning off or managing the load of emotional information they receive will find helpful information about how to shield themselves and develop the skills needed to use the gift of empathy in a way that is beneficial for all.
If this book sounds like something you would enjoy reading, please sign up to get a reminder at http://weareoneinspirit.blogspot.com/p/join.html when the book is ready.
"Would you be so kind as to vote for Candidate B?"
"I'm Candidate A. Thank you for voting for me today, ma'am."
"Please vote for Mr. Candidate."
"'Pre-shate yer vote for me. I'm running fer metro council."
It reminded me of the vendors hawking their wares in the villa when we visited the Dominican Republic. Every seller was offering some kind of bargain to passersby, trying to get the attention and money of every customer and beat out the competition.
I also got a mental picture of disembodied spirits (ghosts) who constantly surround us, yelling negative messages and trying to get us to do their bidding. There are energy-sensitive people who don't realize that the angry thoughts, criticism, depression, and other unloving voices they hear in their heads are not just their own mind chatter. These negative messages are actually attempts that Earth-bound spirits make to leech off our energy and fulfill their base desires through a human.
In my upcoming book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom From the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You, I will explore the how these entities affect us and how we can put up our own 100-foot boundary and make them repect our No Trespassing sign.
Folks who are looking for help with turning off or managing the load of emotional information they receive will find helpful information about how to shield themselves and develop the skills needed to use the gift of empathy in a way that is beneficial for all.
If this book sounds like something you would enjoy reading, please sign up to get a reminder at http://weareoneinspirit.blogspot.com/p/join.html when the book is ready.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Man Actually Returns From the Dead After 3 Days Part 2 of 2
Man Actually Returns From the Dead After 3 Days Part 2 of 2
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Man Actually Returns From the Dead After 3 Days
Man Actually Returns From the Dead After 3 Days Part 1 of 2
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
How Early Do Humans Show Empathy?
Empathy allows us to understand and share the feelings of another person. Empathy makes us good citizens and reminds us that the world does not revolve around us. It pushes us to acknowledge the people around us as we participate in their emotional lives. Empathy is what makes other people matter to us.
My adult children brought their kids, (my grandsons) to visit this past weekend. The babies, being born only two weeks apart in 2009 are now 14 and almost 15 months old. Even though their personalities are totally different, Jonas and Liam play pretty well together. But already they are showing signs of jealousy. If I hold one, I have to hold the other one too. Same with toys and Goldfish crackers! One for each—no favorites. So, I was really surprised when I found them showing empathy at such an early age in their moral and social development.
The boys have only been walking a couple of months and they are still a little unsteady on their feet. They were hugging each other when Jonas fell backward and bumped his head on the wall. Liam squatted down next to him as if to see if his cousin was okay. I was amazed! He really seemed to care that Jonas fell down. Who knows? Maybe he was just checking to make sure he didn’t have an extra Goldfish clinched in his fist. I did some research about this and found that according to Dr. Kyle Pruett, children’s brains develop empathy from birth to age eight. As early as nine months children learn that other people have emotions. I saw this in Jonas on Sunday. He was flinging his arms while his mom was feeding him. He accidentally hit his mom in the face. When she jumped back and said, “Ouch!”, Jonas hung his head down as if he was sorry for his action.
Empathic children become empathic adults. Jonas’ brother, Sidney, is almost ten years old. I’m forever impressed with the love, respect, and concern he shows his baby brother as they play together. This makes me wonder if empathy is a learned behavior or if it is a human instinct to care for one another. Your thoughts on this are appreciated. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think.
Yvonne Perry is a metaphysical teacher helping people transform their lives through a liberating view of our oneness with the Divine. Serving as a prophetic voice of healing, she hosts a weekly talk show in which she interviews guests who see their true selves as loving, accepting, and unified spirit beings awakening to their spiritual potential. Yvonne offers encouragement through her lectures, workshops, and discussion group forums. http://WeAre1inSpirit.com
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
My adult children brought their kids, (my grandsons) to visit this past weekend. The babies, being born only two weeks apart in 2009 are now 14 and almost 15 months old. Even though their personalities are totally different, Jonas and Liam play pretty well together. But already they are showing signs of jealousy. If I hold one, I have to hold the other one too. Same with toys and Goldfish crackers! One for each—no favorites. So, I was really surprised when I found them showing empathy at such an early age in their moral and social development.
The boys have only been walking a couple of months and they are still a little unsteady on their feet. They were hugging each other when Jonas fell backward and bumped his head on the wall. Liam squatted down next to him as if to see if his cousin was okay. I was amazed! He really seemed to care that Jonas fell down. Who knows? Maybe he was just checking to make sure he didn’t have an extra Goldfish clinched in his fist. I did some research about this and found that according to Dr. Kyle Pruett, children’s brains develop empathy from birth to age eight. As early as nine months children learn that other people have emotions. I saw this in Jonas on Sunday. He was flinging his arms while his mom was feeding him. He accidentally hit his mom in the face. When she jumped back and said, “Ouch!”, Jonas hung his head down as if he was sorry for his action.
Empathic children become empathic adults. Jonas’ brother, Sidney, is almost ten years old. I’m forever impressed with the love, respect, and concern he shows his baby brother as they play together. This makes me wonder if empathy is a learned behavior or if it is a human instinct to care for one another. Your thoughts on this are appreciated. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think.
Yvonne Perry is a metaphysical teacher helping people transform their lives through a liberating view of our oneness with the Divine. Serving as a prophetic voice of healing, she hosts a weekly talk show in which she interviews guests who see their true selves as loving, accepting, and unified spirit beings awakening to their spiritual potential. Yvonne offers encouragement through her lectures, workshops, and discussion group forums. http://WeAre1inSpirit.com
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
Friday, October 22, 2010
What Happens When We Die? Part 5
Nanci Danison speaks about her afterlife experience. This is video 5 out of 5.
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com

Thursday, October 21, 2010
What Happens When We Die? Part 4
Nanci Danison speaks about her afterlife experience. This is video 4 out of 5.
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
What Happens When We Die? Part 3
Nanci Danison speaks of her afterlife experience. This is video 3 out of 5.
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
What Happens When We Die? Part 2
Nanci Danison speaks about her Afterlife experience. This is video 2 out of 5.
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com

Monday, October 18, 2010
What Happens When We Die?
Nanci Danison speaks about her afterlife experience. This is video 1 out of 5 which will be posted daily this week.
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com

Monday, October 11, 2010
Free Newsletter and E-Book!
With your free subscription to Yvonne Perry’s Newsletter, you get a PDF copy of More Than Meets the Eye about Death, Dying and Afterlife. This book provides the comfort and answers you are looking for to help you process the stages of death and the natural dying process. Topics include insight on hospice and palliative care, signs to look for when death is near, euthanasia, and end of life decisions, how to deal with the imminent death of a loved one and what to do to help someone peacefully transition to the afterlife. Request WITS Newsletter and download this free e-book now!
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Need Your Stories about Ghosts
I'm looking for stories about ghost encounters.
Do you hear things during the night that you can explain?
Do you feel as if someone is watching you or that you are not alone when you walk into an empty room?
Have you ever thought you saw someone in your peripheral vision, but when you turn to look no one was there? You may have encountered a ghost—the spirit of a person who remained in the Earth plane after death.
Have items been mysteriously moved around in your house?
Have your lights or electronics turned on or off by themselves?
Were you the only one who smelled flowers, perfume, cigarette smoke, or other scents associated with a deceased individual?
Did you hear a voice or sound that no one else heard?
Have you been touched, tickled, stroked, or even shoved by a ghost?
Have you interacted or communicated telepathically with a disembodied spirit?
If you would like to share your experience in communicating with spirits, please contact me at writer @ YvonnePerry dot net.
Do you hear things during the night that you can explain?
Do you feel as if someone is watching you or that you are not alone when you walk into an empty room?
Have you ever thought you saw someone in your peripheral vision, but when you turn to look no one was there? You may have encountered a ghost—the spirit of a person who remained in the Earth plane after death.
Have items been mysteriously moved around in your house?
Have your lights or electronics turned on or off by themselves?
Were you the only one who smelled flowers, perfume, cigarette smoke, or other scents associated with a deceased individual?
Did you hear a voice or sound that no one else heard?
Have you been touched, tickled, stroked, or even shoved by a ghost?
Have you interacted or communicated telepathically with a disembodied spirit?
If you would like to share your experience in communicating with spirits, please contact me at writer @ YvonnePerry dot net.
Looking for Signs from Angels and Loved Ones
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
Saturday, September 25, 2010
True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife
More than Meets the Eye: True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife can be a source of comfort for those who need answers to the questions we all ask while grieving the loss of a loved one. This book contains stories about euthanasia, suicide, near-death experience, post-mortem processes, hospice care, assisting the passing of a loved one, spirit visits from deceased loved ones, and other topics people are somewhat reluctant to talk about. Non-religious information and insight to assist people in finding peace about the mysterious process of transitioning back to God/Source.
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase printed book or Kindle version on Amazon.com
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase printed book or Kindle version on Amazon.com

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Ocean Burial Goes Awry
When Daniel Scott Lasky died Sept. 8, 2010 from Lou Gehrig’s Disease his family carefully wrapped his body, placed him on dry ice, loaded him into the family van and started their journey south to Fort Lauderdale for a burial at sea. Find out what happened to his corpse . . .
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com

Monday, September 20, 2010
Five Ways to Connect With Your Angel's Guidance
By Suzy Morgan
For the last twenty years, I have practiced asking for and receiving guidance consistently from the angelic realm. Why the angels? It was my choice. The angels were hot in the early 1990's and I wanted to connect. I could tell there was something loving "out there," and I wanted to know what it/they knew. I wanted their protection and their knowledge. The angels seemed innocuous and safe. After all, in Sunday School, it was always the angels or baby Jesus that showed up for kids. Since I was no longer much of a Jesus follower, although I believe in the Christ Consciousness, the angels were a natural shoe-in.
Little did I know that I already had the angels' protection. Their knowledge was mine as well, but I needed to learn to ask. I was brought up not to ask questions, because it wasn't "nice." My first sales job taught me if I didn't learn to ask outright, I would starve and be out of work in a week.
Here are some useful and workable ideas on how to get spiritual guidance for yourself.
1. Ask for Help. Ask for what you want. Ask for everything.
Asking is not as easy as it sounds. We think we can muscle our way through life until one day we get knocked down one time too many. Sometimer we are not sure what we want. We know we don't want what we have, but we have no idea of what we do want.
The angels suggest you work backward from what you don't want. For instance, if you are unsure whether to take job, or move to another city, or stay with your old relationship, notice what you don't like currently. Write down all the everyday incidentals that annoy you. When you feel like you have regurgitated all your old self-righteous anger, then write down the opposite, showing you exactly what you do want to create in your new job, location, or relationship.
Then give yourself permission to ask your angels, your guides of Light, or the Divine itself. Be specific, although it is perfectly acceptable to just ask for insight or guidance about whatever is concerning you. If you are feeling secure in who you are but are unsure of which direction to move toward, then ask to be shown a different way, a different route.
2. Ask what you need to see for your Highest Good.
It's always a good idea to ask to see and hear from a higher level of consciousness than what you scrape up from your own judgmental ego. It's why I consult only with the angels or the Divine itself before I do any readings for myself or others.
3. Be still and listen.
As someone who is only learning now to sit still, this has been my most difficult challenge. Initially the angels only connected with me when I was in the shower right after getting out of bed. Or worse yet, they would babble at some ungodly hour in the way-too-early morning hours. All of this stopped once I caught on that either I gave them their just attention or sleeping through the night was not an option. The subtle energies do not shout, they whisper until you are aligned with their channel.
4. How do I know who's talking?
Great question. You'll know for sure what you are hearing, seeing, or feeling is from a higher level of consciousness; i.e., your angels, your High Self, the Divinity, because there will be no edge. There will be no judgment. What you hear will be validating and not frightening. When your angels and higher consciousness speaks, it will be through the voice of compassion, of love. If you are hearing judgmental, sarcastic, or combative things, you are not tuned in to a consciousness that is any higher than your own ego. Not a smart move, because what you hear will get you into trouble.
5. Take action.
Asking for what you want is only half of the game. The other half is learning to trust what you hear and to take action to follow through. The trick is learning to fine-tune your specific channel to the angelic realm, or whichever path to higher consciousness you choose to master.
Be patient with yourself. You are teaching yourself a new way of living in peace by connecting to the higher channels of Love available to each of us.
Suzy Morgan, B.A., H.H.P, is a Spiritual Intuitive, a Medium, an Energy Healer, and a Channel for the Angels offering Angel Readings. http://www.AskYourAngels.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzy_Morgan
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
For the last twenty years, I have practiced asking for and receiving guidance consistently from the angelic realm. Why the angels? It was my choice. The angels were hot in the early 1990's and I wanted to connect. I could tell there was something loving "out there," and I wanted to know what it/they knew. I wanted their protection and their knowledge. The angels seemed innocuous and safe. After all, in Sunday School, it was always the angels or baby Jesus that showed up for kids. Since I was no longer much of a Jesus follower, although I believe in the Christ Consciousness, the angels were a natural shoe-in.
Little did I know that I already had the angels' protection. Their knowledge was mine as well, but I needed to learn to ask. I was brought up not to ask questions, because it wasn't "nice." My first sales job taught me if I didn't learn to ask outright, I would starve and be out of work in a week.
Here are some useful and workable ideas on how to get spiritual guidance for yourself.
1. Ask for Help. Ask for what you want. Ask for everything.
Asking is not as easy as it sounds. We think we can muscle our way through life until one day we get knocked down one time too many. Sometimer we are not sure what we want. We know we don't want what we have, but we have no idea of what we do want.
The angels suggest you work backward from what you don't want. For instance, if you are unsure whether to take job, or move to another city, or stay with your old relationship, notice what you don't like currently. Write down all the everyday incidentals that annoy you. When you feel like you have regurgitated all your old self-righteous anger, then write down the opposite, showing you exactly what you do want to create in your new job, location, or relationship.
Then give yourself permission to ask your angels, your guides of Light, or the Divine itself. Be specific, although it is perfectly acceptable to just ask for insight or guidance about whatever is concerning you. If you are feeling secure in who you are but are unsure of which direction to move toward, then ask to be shown a different way, a different route.
2. Ask what you need to see for your Highest Good.
It's always a good idea to ask to see and hear from a higher level of consciousness than what you scrape up from your own judgmental ego. It's why I consult only with the angels or the Divine itself before I do any readings for myself or others.
3. Be still and listen.
As someone who is only learning now to sit still, this has been my most difficult challenge. Initially the angels only connected with me when I was in the shower right after getting out of bed. Or worse yet, they would babble at some ungodly hour in the way-too-early morning hours. All of this stopped once I caught on that either I gave them their just attention or sleeping through the night was not an option. The subtle energies do not shout, they whisper until you are aligned with their channel.
4. How do I know who's talking?
Great question. You'll know for sure what you are hearing, seeing, or feeling is from a higher level of consciousness; i.e., your angels, your High Self, the Divinity, because there will be no edge. There will be no judgment. What you hear will be validating and not frightening. When your angels and higher consciousness speaks, it will be through the voice of compassion, of love. If you are hearing judgmental, sarcastic, or combative things, you are not tuned in to a consciousness that is any higher than your own ego. Not a smart move, because what you hear will get you into trouble.
5. Take action.
Asking for what you want is only half of the game. The other half is learning to trust what you hear and to take action to follow through. The trick is learning to fine-tune your specific channel to the angelic realm, or whichever path to higher consciousness you choose to master.
Be patient with yourself. You are teaching yourself a new way of living in peace by connecting to the higher channels of Love available to each of us.
Suzy Morgan, B.A., H.H.P, is a Spiritual Intuitive, a Medium, an Energy Healer, and a Channel for the Angels offering Angel Readings. http://www.AskYourAngels.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzy_Morgan
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Spirit Communication in the Elderly
Those who interact with the non-physical realm are sometimes considered insane or in need of psychiatric help. Unfortunately, many are shunned and ridiculed. Some are drugged. I've heard of children who were punished for talking about seeing deceased family members, angels, and ghosts.
if you are one who provides care for those who are near the end of life, you may have noticed that elderly patients interact with deceased relatives and loved ones. Seeing, hearing, and communicating with the unseen realm is sometimes an indication that the transition toward the afterlife is beginning to occur. It gives a vague time line for determining how long a person may have before the soul departs from the body.
But, what do you do when someone like my grandmother enters palliative care or hospice? Although she didn't talk much about it until she had her second near-death experience in 2008, Nanny has heard and seen in the spirit realm ever since her near-death experience in 1952. Her third and fourth NDEs in 2009 really opened the airwaves! At age 94, it is a common occurrence for her to communicate with deceased loved one and have spirit visitors that no one else can discern.
Why do some people have this psychic ability while others don't? P. M. H. Atwater says that this intuitive ability is due to the development of the temporal lobes in the brain. From approximately age 2 through 6, the temporal lobes take in and sort different forms, shapes, colors, and sounds so children can build neural libraries that let them know what is expected of them on earth. As this part of brain development nears completion, the child tends to interact less with the spirit realm and adheres to society norms.
The elderly and those who have experienced near-death states, surgery requiring anesthesia, or some type of severe emotional trauma may find that this part of their brain has been reawakened. They may experience a transformation of consciousness that allows them to again see, hear, smell, and interact in other worlds. That is what happened to me after two NDEs and several surgeries.
Have you had an experience that opened your psychic ability or if you work with the elderly who have this experience, I would love to interview you and get your take on this. Please leave a comment below this post.
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com
if you are one who provides care for those who are near the end of life, you may have noticed that elderly patients interact with deceased relatives and loved ones. Seeing, hearing, and communicating with the unseen realm is sometimes an indication that the transition toward the afterlife is beginning to occur. It gives a vague time line for determining how long a person may have before the soul departs from the body.
But, what do you do when someone like my grandmother enters palliative care or hospice? Although she didn't talk much about it until she had her second near-death experience in 2008, Nanny has heard and seen in the spirit realm ever since her near-death experience in 1952. Her third and fourth NDEs in 2009 really opened the airwaves! At age 94, it is a common occurrence for her to communicate with deceased loved one and have spirit visitors that no one else can discern.
Why do some people have this psychic ability while others don't? P. M. H. Atwater says that this intuitive ability is due to the development of the temporal lobes in the brain. From approximately age 2 through 6, the temporal lobes take in and sort different forms, shapes, colors, and sounds so children can build neural libraries that let them know what is expected of them on earth. As this part of brain development nears completion, the child tends to interact less with the spirit realm and adheres to society norms.
The elderly and those who have experienced near-death states, surgery requiring anesthesia, or some type of severe emotional trauma may find that this part of their brain has been reawakened. They may experience a transformation of consciousness that allows them to again see, hear, smell, and interact in other worlds. That is what happened to me after two NDEs and several surgeries.
Have you had an experience that opened your psychic ability or if you work with the elderly who have this experience, I would love to interview you and get your take on this. Please leave a comment below this post.
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Are You An Emotional Empath?
by Judith Orloff
Adapted from Dr. Judith Orloff’s new book “Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life” (Harmony Books, 2009)
Empaths are highly sensitive, finely tuned instruments when it comes to emotions. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme, and are less apt to intellectualize feelings. Intuition is the filter through which they experience the world. Empaths are naturally giving, spiritually attuned, and good listeners. If you want heart, empaths have got it. Through thick and thin, they’re there for you, world-class nurturers.
The trademark of empaths is that they know where you’re coming from. Some can do this without taking on people’s feelings. However, for better or worse, others, like myself and many of my patients, can become angst-sucking sponges. This often overrides the sublime capacity to absorb positive emotions and all that is beautiful. If empaths are around peace and love, their bodies assimilate these and flourish. Negativity, though, often feels assaultive, exhausting. Thus, they’re particularly easy marks for emotional vampires, whose fear or rage can ravage empaths. As a subconscious defense, they may gain weight as a buffer. When thin, they’re more vulnerable to negativity, a missing cause of overeating explored in my book Positive Energy. Plus, an empath’s sensitivity can be overwhelming in romantic relationships; many stay single since they haven’t learned to negotiate their special cohabitation needs with a partner.
When empaths absorb the impact of stressful emotions, it can trigger panic attacks, depression, food, sex and drug binges, and a plethora of physical symptoms that defy traditional medical diagnosis from fatigue to agorophobia. Since I’m an empath, I want to help all my empath-patients cultivate this capacity and be comfortable with it.
Empathy doesn’t have to make you feel too much all the time. Now that I can center myself and refrain from shouldering civilization’s discontents, empathy continues to make me freer, igniting my compassion, vitality, and sense of the miraculous. To determine whether you’re an emotional empath, take the following quiz.
Ask yourself:
* Have I been labeled as “too emotional” or overly sensitive?
* If a friend is distraught, do I start feeling it too?
* Are my feelings easily hurt?
* Am I emotionally drained by crowds, require time alone to revive?
* Do my nerves get frayed by noise, smells, or excessive talk?
* Do I prefer taking my own car places so that I can leave when I please?
* Do I overeat to cope with emotional stress?
* Am I afraid of becoming engulfed by intimate relationships?
If you answer “yes” to 1-3 of these questions, you’re at least part empath. Responding “yes” to more than 3 indicates that you’ve found your emotional type.
Recognizing that you’re an empath is the first step in taking charge of your emotions instead of constantly drowning in them. Staying on top of empathy will improve your self-care and relationships.
Emotional Action Step. How To Find Balance
Practice these strategies to center yourself.
* Allow quiet time to emotionally decompress. Get in the habit of taking calming mini-breaks throughout the day. Breathe in some fresh air. Stretch. Take a short walk around the office. These interludes will reduce the excessive stimulation of going non-stop.
* Practice guerilla meditation. To counter emotional overload, act fast and meditate for a few minutes. This centers your energy so you don’t take it on from others.
* Define and honor your empathic needs. Safeguard your sensitivities. Here’s how.
o If someone asks too much of you, politely tell them “no.” It’s not necessary to explain why. As the saying goes, “No is a complete sentence.”
o If your comfort level is three hours max for socializing--even if you adore the people--take your own car or have an alternate transportation plan so you’re not stranded.
o If crowds are overwhelming, eat a high-protein meal beforehand (this grounds you) and sit in the far corner of, say, a theatre or party, not dead center.
o If you feel nuked by perfume, nicely request that your friends refrain from wearing it around you. If you can’t avoid it, stand near a window or take frequent breaks to catch a breath of fresh air outdoors.
o If you overeat to numb negative emotions, practice the guerilla meditation mentioned above, before you’re lured to the refrigerator, a potential vortex of temptation. As an emergency measure, keep a cushion by the fridge so you can be poised to meditate instead of binge.
o Carve out private space at home. Then you won’t be stricken by the feeling of too much togetherness. (Chapter 8 discusses nontraditional living settings compatible with an empath’s comfort zone.)
Over time, I suggest adding to this list to keep yourself covered. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel each time you’re on emotional overload. With pragmatic strategies to cope, empaths can have quicker retorts, feel safer, and their talents can blossom.
Judith Orloff MD, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and intuition expert, is author of the new book Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Harmony Books, 2009) Her other bestsellers are Positive Energy, Intuitive Healing, and Second Sight. Dr. Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition and energy medicine. She passionately believes that the future of medicine involves integrating all this wisdom to achieve emotional freedom and total wellness. www.drjudithorloff.com
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com
Adapted from Dr. Judith Orloff’s new book “Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life” (Harmony Books, 2009)
Empaths are highly sensitive, finely tuned instruments when it comes to emotions. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme, and are less apt to intellectualize feelings. Intuition is the filter through which they experience the world. Empaths are naturally giving, spiritually attuned, and good listeners. If you want heart, empaths have got it. Through thick and thin, they’re there for you, world-class nurturers.
The trademark of empaths is that they know where you’re coming from. Some can do this without taking on people’s feelings. However, for better or worse, others, like myself and many of my patients, can become angst-sucking sponges. This often overrides the sublime capacity to absorb positive emotions and all that is beautiful. If empaths are around peace and love, their bodies assimilate these and flourish. Negativity, though, often feels assaultive, exhausting. Thus, they’re particularly easy marks for emotional vampires, whose fear or rage can ravage empaths. As a subconscious defense, they may gain weight as a buffer. When thin, they’re more vulnerable to negativity, a missing cause of overeating explored in my book Positive Energy. Plus, an empath’s sensitivity can be overwhelming in romantic relationships; many stay single since they haven’t learned to negotiate their special cohabitation needs with a partner.
When empaths absorb the impact of stressful emotions, it can trigger panic attacks, depression, food, sex and drug binges, and a plethora of physical symptoms that defy traditional medical diagnosis from fatigue to agorophobia. Since I’m an empath, I want to help all my empath-patients cultivate this capacity and be comfortable with it.
Empathy doesn’t have to make you feel too much all the time. Now that I can center myself and refrain from shouldering civilization’s discontents, empathy continues to make me freer, igniting my compassion, vitality, and sense of the miraculous. To determine whether you’re an emotional empath, take the following quiz.
Ask yourself:
* Have I been labeled as “too emotional” or overly sensitive?
* If a friend is distraught, do I start feeling it too?
* Are my feelings easily hurt?
* Am I emotionally drained by crowds, require time alone to revive?
* Do my nerves get frayed by noise, smells, or excessive talk?
* Do I prefer taking my own car places so that I can leave when I please?
* Do I overeat to cope with emotional stress?
* Am I afraid of becoming engulfed by intimate relationships?
If you answer “yes” to 1-3 of these questions, you’re at least part empath. Responding “yes” to more than 3 indicates that you’ve found your emotional type.
Recognizing that you’re an empath is the first step in taking charge of your emotions instead of constantly drowning in them. Staying on top of empathy will improve your self-care and relationships.
Emotional Action Step. How To Find Balance
Practice these strategies to center yourself.
* Allow quiet time to emotionally decompress. Get in the habit of taking calming mini-breaks throughout the day. Breathe in some fresh air. Stretch. Take a short walk around the office. These interludes will reduce the excessive stimulation of going non-stop.
* Practice guerilla meditation. To counter emotional overload, act fast and meditate for a few minutes. This centers your energy so you don’t take it on from others.
* Define and honor your empathic needs. Safeguard your sensitivities. Here’s how.
o If someone asks too much of you, politely tell them “no.” It’s not necessary to explain why. As the saying goes, “No is a complete sentence.”
o If your comfort level is three hours max for socializing--even if you adore the people--take your own car or have an alternate transportation plan so you’re not stranded.
o If crowds are overwhelming, eat a high-protein meal beforehand (this grounds you) and sit in the far corner of, say, a theatre or party, not dead center.
o If you feel nuked by perfume, nicely request that your friends refrain from wearing it around you. If you can’t avoid it, stand near a window or take frequent breaks to catch a breath of fresh air outdoors.
o If you overeat to numb negative emotions, practice the guerilla meditation mentioned above, before you’re lured to the refrigerator, a potential vortex of temptation. As an emergency measure, keep a cushion by the fridge so you can be poised to meditate instead of binge.
o Carve out private space at home. Then you won’t be stricken by the feeling of too much togetherness. (Chapter 8 discusses nontraditional living settings compatible with an empath’s comfort zone.)
Over time, I suggest adding to this list to keep yourself covered. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel each time you’re on emotional overload. With pragmatic strategies to cope, empaths can have quicker retorts, feel safer, and their talents can blossom.
Judith Orloff MD, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and intuition expert, is author of the new book Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Harmony Books, 2009) Her other bestsellers are Positive Energy, Intuitive Healing, and Second Sight. Dr. Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition and energy medicine. She passionately believes that the future of medicine involves integrating all this wisdom to achieve emotional freedom and total wellness. www.drjudithorloff.com
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com

Sunday, September 12, 2010
What Did the Greeks Believe About the Afterlife?
by James Hewson
The ancient Greek notion of the afterlife and the rituals accompanying burials were previously well instituted by the 6th century B.C. In the Odyssey, Homer depicts the Underworld, deep below the earth, where Hades, the brother of Zeus and Poseidon, and his spouse, Persephone, ruled over a myriad of wandering legions of gloomy figures known as the 'shades' which were all those who had previously perished. It was not a joyful locality, and indeed, the soul of the great warrior Achilles informed Odysseus that he would might as well be a miserable helot on Earth than lord of all the departed in the land of the dead.
The Greeks conceived that at this point of death the soul, or ghost of the deceased, was released from the body as a brief puff of wind. The deceased was then readied for interment conforming to their time-honored practices. Ancient scholarly authorities insist on the need of a correct funeral and refer to the exclusion of burial ceremonies as an defamation to human nobility. Families of the dead, principally women, administered the elaborate funeral traditions that were traditionally made up of three sections. These were the placing of the body, the burial march, and the burying of the individual or cremated ashes of the deceased. Following being cleaned and daubed with oil, the individual was clothed and positioned on a high bed inside the dwelling. Throughout the placing of the body, relations and friends drew near to grieve and provide their respects. Lamentation of the deceased is highlighted in aged Greek paintings at least as ancient as the Geometric era, when vases were adorned with areas illustrating the departed surrounded by grievers. The final stage of the process was to bring the deceased to the burial ground in a procession, the ekphora, which commonly took place almost ahead of dawn and a handful of objects were deposited into the grave, but imposing earth stacks, orthogonal constructed crypts, and elaborate marble stelai and carvings were frequently formed to indicate the grave and to safeguard that the deceased would always be remembered. Eternal life lay in the lasting recollection of the deceased by the living and from representations on white ground lekythoi, we understand that the women of Traditional Athens made habitual visits to the burial sites with gifts that included little cakes and liquid offerings.
The most sumptuous burial mausoleums were built in the 6th century B.C. by upper-class kindreds of Attica in exclusive funeral land along the roadside on the relatives land or approaching Athens. Relief carvings, figures, and tall stelai enthroned by finials identified many of these burial places. Each funerary mausoleum had an engraved foundation with an epitaph, frequently in poetry that memorialized the deceased. A relief illustrating a generalized impression of the departed occasionally summoned up characteristics of the individual's existence, with the inclusion of a minion, belongings, and animals. On ancient reliefs, it is simple to recognize the deceased individual nevertheless, throughout the 4th century B.C., further family associates were attached to the scenes and generally many names were etched into the tribute, making it hard to differentiate the deceased from the grievers. Like all aged marble carving, funerary figures and burial stelai were brightly colored, and comprehensive remains of scarlet, dark, cobalt, and green coloring can nevertheless be viewed.
Many of the best Attica burial memorials endured in a burial place positioned in the outlying Kerameikos area situated on the edge of Athens barely outside the gateways of the old city barrier. The burial ground was being used for centuries and awe-inspiring Geometrical craters marked burial mounds of the 8th century B.C., in addition to excavations which have exposed a obvious structure of graves from the Traditional era. At the demise of the 5th century B.C., Athenian households started to inter their deceased in modest stone sarcophagi positioned in the ground inside grave areas coordinated in manufactured terraces supported by a tall retaining barriers. Marble cenotaphs belonging to various associates of a relatives were positioned alongside the edge of the terrace rather than over the tombs themselves.
As we can see the Greeks belidved a significant amount about the afterlife and paid great attention to trusted traditions when burying their loved ones and did not deviate from this for many years.
UK Area 51 is a website dedicated to unexplained events and emerging sciences concerning a wide variety of topics. Our aim is to provide rich, diverse and stimulating articles around the issues that face mankind now and in the future.
Please visit our main site for many more intriguing articles at UK Area 51 and to view the original article please click What Did The Greeks Believe About The Afterlife?.
You can also contact James Hewson directly at ezine@ukarea51.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Hewson
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com
The ancient Greek notion of the afterlife and the rituals accompanying burials were previously well instituted by the 6th century B.C. In the Odyssey, Homer depicts the Underworld, deep below the earth, where Hades, the brother of Zeus and Poseidon, and his spouse, Persephone, ruled over a myriad of wandering legions of gloomy figures known as the 'shades' which were all those who had previously perished. It was not a joyful locality, and indeed, the soul of the great warrior Achilles informed Odysseus that he would might as well be a miserable helot on Earth than lord of all the departed in the land of the dead.
The Greeks conceived that at this point of death the soul, or ghost of the deceased, was released from the body as a brief puff of wind. The deceased was then readied for interment conforming to their time-honored practices. Ancient scholarly authorities insist on the need of a correct funeral and refer to the exclusion of burial ceremonies as an defamation to human nobility. Families of the dead, principally women, administered the elaborate funeral traditions that were traditionally made up of three sections. These were the placing of the body, the burial march, and the burying of the individual or cremated ashes of the deceased. Following being cleaned and daubed with oil, the individual was clothed and positioned on a high bed inside the dwelling. Throughout the placing of the body, relations and friends drew near to grieve and provide their respects. Lamentation of the deceased is highlighted in aged Greek paintings at least as ancient as the Geometric era, when vases were adorned with areas illustrating the departed surrounded by grievers. The final stage of the process was to bring the deceased to the burial ground in a procession, the ekphora, which commonly took place almost ahead of dawn and a handful of objects were deposited into the grave, but imposing earth stacks, orthogonal constructed crypts, and elaborate marble stelai and carvings were frequently formed to indicate the grave and to safeguard that the deceased would always be remembered. Eternal life lay in the lasting recollection of the deceased by the living and from representations on white ground lekythoi, we understand that the women of Traditional Athens made habitual visits to the burial sites with gifts that included little cakes and liquid offerings.
The most sumptuous burial mausoleums were built in the 6th century B.C. by upper-class kindreds of Attica in exclusive funeral land along the roadside on the relatives land or approaching Athens. Relief carvings, figures, and tall stelai enthroned by finials identified many of these burial places. Each funerary mausoleum had an engraved foundation with an epitaph, frequently in poetry that memorialized the deceased. A relief illustrating a generalized impression of the departed occasionally summoned up characteristics of the individual's existence, with the inclusion of a minion, belongings, and animals. On ancient reliefs, it is simple to recognize the deceased individual nevertheless, throughout the 4th century B.C., further family associates were attached to the scenes and generally many names were etched into the tribute, making it hard to differentiate the deceased from the grievers. Like all aged marble carving, funerary figures and burial stelai were brightly colored, and comprehensive remains of scarlet, dark, cobalt, and green coloring can nevertheless be viewed.
Many of the best Attica burial memorials endured in a burial place positioned in the outlying Kerameikos area situated on the edge of Athens barely outside the gateways of the old city barrier. The burial ground was being used for centuries and awe-inspiring Geometrical craters marked burial mounds of the 8th century B.C., in addition to excavations which have exposed a obvious structure of graves from the Traditional era. At the demise of the 5th century B.C., Athenian households started to inter their deceased in modest stone sarcophagi positioned in the ground inside grave areas coordinated in manufactured terraces supported by a tall retaining barriers. Marble cenotaphs belonging to various associates of a relatives were positioned alongside the edge of the terrace rather than over the tombs themselves.
As we can see the Greeks belidved a significant amount about the afterlife and paid great attention to trusted traditions when burying their loved ones and did not deviate from this for many years.
UK Area 51 is a website dedicated to unexplained events and emerging sciences concerning a wide variety of topics. Our aim is to provide rich, diverse and stimulating articles around the issues that face mankind now and in the future.
Please visit our main site for many more intriguing articles at UK Area 51 and to view the original article please click What Did The Greeks Believe About The Afterlife?.
You can also contact James Hewson directly at ezine@ukarea51.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Hewson
For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com

Friday, September 10, 2010
From Christianity to Metaphysics
Enjoy this audio preview of Yvonne Perry's book on death, dying, and afterlife. Find out why she wrote the book and a bit about her journey from being involved in a fundamentalist Christian religion to becoming a metaphysical teacher expressing psychic gifts.
You might enjoy reading the complete book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com
You might enjoy reading the complete book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on Amazon.com

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