Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Aunt Kathryn's visit from the Afterlife

My Aunt Kathryn died of lung cancer November a year ago. Before she passed we talked about her visiting me from the afterlife and agreed that our sign that her spirit was near me would be a cameo or silhouette. She lived on Cameo Court when I was a teenager and I loved going to visit her there. Cameos and silhouettes are not often seen these days, which makes them ideal items for this purpose.

This past New Year's Eve I was in my office when I started smelling cigarette smoke. I thought it might be Kat so I said hello. Later that day, my husband and I were sitting in the living room when I started smelling cigarette smoke and felt someone playing with my hair. I didn't say anything. I just enjoyed knowing that my aunt was letting me know she was with me.

A few minutes later my husband asked, "Do you smell cigarette smoke?"


"Do you think your Aunt Kat is here?" he asked.

"Yes, I do."

At that moment, I felt a warm energy flow down the left side of my body draping me like a heated blanket, confirming that it was indeed her. So, maybe she couldn't find a cameo!

This past weekend I made a trip to Georgia to visit my parents and 94-year-old maternal grandmother, who lives with them. For days after getting back home, I've been thinking about Aunt Kat and wondering how her spirit might be enjoying the afterlife. I also kept craving a cigarette, which is odd since I'm not a smoker and never have been.

Yesterday I got an email from April Weltch Anderson on Facebook. She asked me to take a look at her new page. You simply must click this link to see what I found there!

I love you Aunt Kathryn! Thank you for letting me know you are alive and well in spirit.

For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers.

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