Listen to part one by clicking on the small arrow in the player below.
The World is a Mirror of My Thoughts
The purpose of religion is to help us find that connection with God that we already (still) have and think we have lost but haven’t. Most religions teach that this connection was lost in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. The purpose of A Course in Miracles is to deliver us from the erroneous belief in separation that our egos have convinced us is true.
It impossible to be separated from God. But there is an illusion that the ego has created that makes us think we are. We are manifesting outwardly what we believe inwardly. Everything we see around us that we are not pleased with is part of our thought system that must be renewed by the Holy Spirit as He removes our wayward thoughts and bring truth to bear on every situation so that our external situation begin to mirror a more positive of who we truly are. When we change our internal thoughts, our world will change as well.
Click the small arrow in the player below to listen to part two in which Gene discusses A Course in Miracles and Psych-K. Psych-K gets the unwanted files out of the way so you can experience yourself as one with our Creator.
The book can be purchased as paperback or e-book through http://www.geneskaggs.com/ or on Amazon. Also available for Kindle Reader. You can read more about Gene here www.onemiracle.org or www.geneskaggs.com.
Sign up for Gene’s itinerary to learn where his next workshop will be: email onemiracle @ comcast dot net. As for the Course broadcast.
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