Thursday, November 10, 2011

Preparing Emotionally, Financially and Legally for the Death of a Parent

I believe many of us baby boomers will find the topic of Carolyn A. Brent's new book, Why Wait? The Baby Boomers' Guide to Preparing Emotionally, Financially and Legally for a Parent's Death, very useful: Preparing Emotionally, Financially and Legally for the Death of a Parent.

Author Carolyn A. Brent, M.B.A. is a former clinical educational manager in the pharmaceutical industry. As a result of a legal issue regarding her elderly father's care, Carolyn became an avid activist and advocate working with the U.S. Congress for the purpose of creating change to protect seniors and veterans from financial and medical abuse.

Because I believe in the importance of having a plan and discussing this topic with family members, I've decided to participate in Carolyn's book launch. Please listen to the interview I conducted with her to learn why it is so important to make end-of-life decisions before you find yourself having to do so in the midst of emotional turmoil.

Get your FREE 3-DAY PASS to Carolyn’s Why Wait? Telesummit!

The book is having its official Amazon launch on Tuesday November 15th. To celebrate this launch, Carolyn will be hosting a free 3-part telesummit, with a panel of experts in the field of aging and care giving on November 8th, 9th and 10th. This telesummit is a completely free and "no purchase necessary" gift from Carolyn. 

Be sure to sign up for the free content-rich telesummit at It starts tomorrow and is sure to be informative as you will note in my interview with her. Carolyn has done so much research and has tons of information to offer. The panelists are top notch too! Dr. Caron Goode, with whom I have partnered on several telesummits. She brings a lot of wisdom to the table. Plus, there will be an attorney, a mental healthcare provider, hospice nurse, space planner (teaching home modification to accommodate less mobile residents), and a political candidate on the docket. An incredible panel of experts!

Register for the free calls now at

When you buy Carolyn's book on Tuesday November 15, 2011, you can ALSO receive a complete library of beautiful personal development gifts from authors, speakers, coaches and other enlightened professionals from around the globe including one from me: MP3 audio book of More Than Meets the Eye ~ True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. To claim your 3-Day Pass and read about the free gifts, go to:

Yesterday, Carolyn visited Joyce Joneschiet at , where they talked about Carolyn writing the book and couple on smoothing certain emotional conversations. 

Be sure to follow Carolyn tomorrow when the next stop on her virtual blog tour is Shelagh Jones, who will be interviewing Carolyn on her show. See

Join us each week on We Are One in Spirit Podcast for more spiritual information and enlightening discussion. You will find our show on our blog

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