Monday, October 31, 2011

Which Is Your Strongest Intuitive Gift?

If you’ve read any of my other articles you’ll probably notice I’ve been banging on about the importance of finding out your intuitive gifts. This is because intuition or psychic ability is not just one gift – it’s actually made up of four gifts – clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance.
The chances are, you have innate abilities in one or two of these gifts. The chances also are that one or two of the above gifts you do not have yet. Your intuition will be difficult and slow to develop if you try to develop a gift that you don’t have yet and neglect the gifts you do have. So that’s why it helps to start your journey of intuitive development knowing what you’re naturally good at.

Read more here..

For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Thursday, October 27, 2011

What to Do About Ghosts Who Visit Your Children

Does your child see ghosts?
Should you ever allow a ghost to interact with your child?
Is it okay for a ghost to stay in your home?

Is there ever a time when a spirit should be allowed to stay?
Can I help a ghost cross over?

If you have asked any of these questions, you may or may not have gotten the answers you needed to remedy the situation. Now, you have the tools you need to make this decision and do something about it.

Dr. Goode and I, along with ghost clearing expert Ranoli, recorded a 60-minute audio on clearing your space of entities. In this discussion, Caron talks about why children see ghosts, and I share a few ghost stories and how my psychic grandson interacted with the spirit world when he was very young.

Recently I had a mom concerned about her 2-year-old son who began reporting that he was seeing a ghost at home. Then, he started saying the ghost was following them to public places. The child was terrified of the ghost. To me, this suggests that the entity is an earthbound spirit and not a spirit guide.

A young child with limited vocabulary typically doesn't make up stories like this. First of all, he has no reason to lie about what he sees or pretend to be afraid of a ghost—a term he probably has not heard in his daily experience. Should a parent be concerned about this? I would say yes—not because there is something to be afraid of, but because as a parent you want to know who is hanging around your child (regardless of whether they have a physical body or not) and what that ghost’s intentions are.

In Kids Who See Ghosts, Dr. Caron Goode suggests that parents find out what purpose the ghost serves in your child’s life. If a spirit is an elder (ancestor) who is serving as a spirit guide, children are usually not afraid of them. If is it an earthbound spirit (most likely in cases when a child is terrified of the entity). Dr. Goode would ask questions such as these:

1. Do you as a parent want this spirit interacting or watching your son? Why or why not?
2. Does your son want the ghost around him? Why or why not?

As a parent (or anyone in a human body), you—not the ghost—have the ultimate authority in a situation like this. Just as if someone were trespassing on your property, you have every right to say whether or not this ghost can watch and follow your child around. I would advise you to do a compassionate release to permanently remove the spirit and help it cross over.

I know this is going to sound like a sales gimmick, but first 10 people who purchase the MP3 for $19.99 will get a printed copy of Caron’s book, Kids Who See Ghosts (a $12 value), Ranoli’s e-book Ghost First Aid Kit, which tells why and how to help a ghost cross over, and two PDF children’s stories from me. If you are interested, visit for details.

Regardless of whether or not you get the MP3, I hope you will take action to keep this and other entities from attaching to your child's auric field.

For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Apparitions and Kids Who See Ghosts

I have a physic grandson named Sidney, for whom I wrote The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children. There was a time when Sidney was in my house. He was about four or five years old. We were sitting together in front of the computer when I asked him to go and retrieve something from another room in the house. He got up and started toward the door and then just stopped short.
I said, “Sidney, what is it? Do you see something?”
“Who is that?” he replied.
Oh, dear. I knew he had seen something—probably the spirit of a little boy that I had seen flash through my foyer just days before Sidney’s visit. “Is it a little boy?”
“Yes,” Sidney confirmed.
I said, “Well, he doesn’t belong here in our house. Let’s call upon archangels Michael and Chamuel and ask them to take this little boy into the light where he can find people who know him and love him?”
After a few moments, Sidney turned around smiling and said, “He’s gone!” Then he proceeded out the door like nothing strange had happened. That confirmed what I had suspected all along—Sidney could see in the spirit world.
Get the MP3 titled “Clearing Entities from Your Home and Personal Space” and hear the full audio from which this post was excerpted. You will also hear from Ranoli, a Geobioligist/Earth Acupuncturist with over 35 years of experience in helping people create home environments that support their health and well- being. She gives expert tips for clearing detrimental energy from your home and personal space. You will also gain wisdom from Dr. Caron Goode, a licensed psychotherapist with a Doctoral Degree from George Washington University. A National Certified Counselor and Diplomat of the American Psychotherapy Association, Caron is the author of Kids Who See Ghosts ~ Guide Them through Fear and Raising Intuitive Children.

With the purchase of the audio class, you will get the digital version of two children’s stories from Yvonne Perry’s book, The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children. Those titles are “A Ghost in My Closet” and “A Powerful Potion.”

For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ghosts Moving Things in Your House

I was working with a client whose mother had been abusive to her. I’m a freelance writer and editor by trade. While editing Elizabeth’s book, I began to have some strange occurrences in my home. I awoke one Saturday morning to a thud. Something in my closet had fallen. Upon opening the door, I noticed my winter boot in the floor. This was strange because my boot had been in the top of the closet in a box with the flaps closed down. How it got out of the box and into the floor, to me, could only indicate the presence of an entity.
Knowing that I would have to deal with it—probably do a clearing with some sage, or some type of meditation, or calling on my guides—I decided to eat breakfast first. I joined my husband in the kitchen where I had a bowl of yogurt in a glass bowl. I had just finished the last bite when I noticed the drape in the dining room was cockeyed. I went to straighten the drape. I was standing in a chair and my husband was leaving the room when the bowl I had just finished eating my yogurt in exploded into about 25 pieces.
I knew I had an entity in the house so without further delay, I went into my mediation room, lit a candle and some sage, called on my guides, and asked the entity, “Who are you and what do you want?” She did not want me to write the book for my client because it was tattling on her and exposing her misdeeds done while in body. I sent the ghost on her way and tried to finish the book for the client. However, the client seemed to have disappeared. She did not answer my emails or return my phone calls and I do not know to this day what happened to her. I had no choice but to abandon the project.
Get the MP3 titled “Clearing Entities from Your Home and Personal Space” and hear the full audio from which this post was excerpted. You will also hear from Ranoli, a Geobioligist/Earth Acupuncturist with over 35 years of experience in helping people create home environments that support their health and well- being. She gives expert tips for clearing detrimental energy from your home and personal space. You will also gain wisdom from Dr. Caron Goode, a licensed psychotherapist with a Doctoral Degree from George Washington University. A National Certified Counselor and Diplomat of the American Psychotherapy Association, Caron is the author of Kids Who See Ghosts ~ Guide Them through Fear and Raising Intuitive Children.

With the purchase of the MP3, you will get the digital version of two children’s stories from Yvonne Perry’s book, The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children. Those titles are “A Ghost in My Closet” and “A Powerful Potion.”

For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Approaches to Care in Physician Assisted Suicide

By Sam Oliver

There is a growing interest in suicide. When people start looking for more information about suicide, you'll be in a position to meet their needs. This article is a brief description of much information on this subject. Let's start with 3 levels to discern in the act of euthanasia.

There are three levels to discern in the act of euthanasia:

1. One is a patient who is comatose or brain dead. In these cases the doctor is asked to "pull the plug," or remove the patient from mechanical life support. These cases are generally not challenged by the general public. It is an act of withdrawing or withholding necessary mechanisms used to sustain a life that cannot sustain itself. It is here that the recognition of one's personality is gone and the shell of a body is all that remains.

2. Another act of euthanasia involves the use of morphine to hospitalized patients in the painful final stages of her or his life with diseases such as cancer and AIDS.

3. The last category of euthanasia is patients in relatively good health and at the beginning of a terminal illness wishing to end their lives. Such cases as Alzheimer's and Cancer preclude patients to want information on PAS. This is the most controversial of the three issues involved in euthanasia.

Euthanasia originated from the Greek language meaning "good death." It is the intentional termination of a life by another person capable of doing so by the request of the person wanting to die. Here are a few terms that one needs to know in PAS that define actions taking place.

Passive Euthanasia is the hastening of a death by means of altering some form of support and letting nature take its course. This can include; removing life support equipment, stopping medical treatment or procedures, stopping food and water consumption which leads to dehydration or starving to death, and withholding CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation). The most common use of PAS is to give patients large doses of morphine to control pain. It is most likely that the pain relief will suppress respiration and cause death earlier than it would have otherwise happened. This is also done on patients who are in a persistive vegetative state or patients not able to regain consciousness due to brain damage.

Active Euthanasia is the use of intentional means to cause the death of a person through a direct action. Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a Michigan physician made this well known in 1998 with a patient who had ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). His patient was afraid of the long suffering involved in ALS and wanted to die a quick and painless death. Dr. Kevorkian injected controlled substances into this patient and caused death. Kevorkian was charged with 1st degree murder, but the jury found him guilty of 2nd degree murder in March of 1999.

Physician Assisted Suicide is the provision of information or means to a dying patient with the intent to commit suicide.

Involuntary Euthanasia is the ending of a life without a patient clearly requesting it.

"There are many reasons why patients want to utilize PAS. Some are simply clinically depressed, of which, one's illness has brought on or one's emotional and mental processing of their illness has led to suffering in ways beyond the body. Others live in chronic pain-due to lack of healthcare coverage or means to obtain medication. This later group would rather die early and not incur medical expenses on those they leave behind. A serious disorder or disease such as: ASL, Huntington's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, AIDS, Alzheimer's, etc. are just some of the illnesses people would rather avoid losing their independence and finances over. In some ways, this gives people a feeling of control over the process of their lives."

Sam Oliver, author of, "Integrating the Feminine Spirit: Returning to the Womb of Creation" For more information on this author;

Article Source:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Monday, October 17, 2011

Effective Meditation

Meditation is the tool whereby you can establish and develop your own connection with Spirit.

Meditation has been used in many different ways for centuries. Some are effective, most are not. It began very simply and has always been employed by Spirit as a way to initiate communication with people. As time has gone on and life has become more complicated, human nature being what it is has led people to look for something 'more' and many methods of meditation now reflect what people think will be more effective.

Some methods employed by particular groups (such as some monks for example) to achieve an exceptionally deep level of mediation are suitable for their needs but not for the average person.

Most other methods that are popularly used to achieve a state of meditation are usually ineffective.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Friday, October 14, 2011

Being Watched by a Ghost

The veil was thin that November day in 2010 when I was keeping my grandsons at their home. My son and his wife were away for a week celebrating their tenth wedding anniversary. Within a matter of hours of being the only adult in the house, I began sensing an ominous presence—especially whenever I was in the bedroom and or bathroom. It was eerie and I felt like I was being watched. I intuitively knew that the spirit was my daughter-in-law’s father. Perhaps “sperm donor” is a more fitting term for him. She never knew the man because he abandoned her family when she was about a year old. Since this was not my home and I didn’t know if my daughter-in-law wanted her father around in order to resolve some issue she might have with him, I set a boundary that would not allow his spirit to come near me, my grandsons, or their property as long as I was there. I let my daughter-in-law know about this when she returned and she immediately decided to maintain the boundary I had set.

There are times when a spirit has a personal message for me or another person. If I can deliver the message without causing discomfort to myself, I will try to do so. The veil was thin that November day before Amanda and my son returned home, Amanda’s mother, Kendra (“Nanna K” as her grandchildren called her), dropped by in spirit. I knew and loved Kendra and didn’t even have to ask who the spirit was. There was a lightness, warmth, and sense of love surrounding me as I heard her say, “I’m just dropping by to check on my babies. It’s good to see you here. Thank you for all you do for Amanda and the boys.” I related this message to Amanda, who received the news with tears of joy. Those are the times when I am glad I can consciously interact with spirits.


Get the MP3 titled “Clearing Entities from Your Home and Personal Space” and hear the full audio from which this post was excerpted. You will also hear from Ranoli, a Geobioligist/Earth Acupuncturist with over 35 years of experience in helping people create home environments that support their health and well- being. She gives expert tips for clearing detrimental energy from your home and personal space. You will also gain wisdom from Dr. Caron Goode, a licensed psychotherapist with a Doctoral Degree from George Washington University. A National Certified Counselor and Diplomat of the American Psychotherapy Association, Caron is the author of Kids Who See Ghosts ~ Guide Them through Fear and Raising Intuitive Children.

With the purchase of the MP3, you will get the digital version of two children’s stories from Yvonne Perry’s book, The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children. Those titles are “A Ghost in My Closet” and “A Powerful Potion.”

For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Is it Painful to Die?

By Valerie Olmsted

Most people are afraid of dying; not of the actual experience of death, but rather of the anticipated pain. Having had six NDE's (Near Death Experiences) myself, only one of which was in the dying body, I can shed a little light on the subject. There does not have to be pain; the pain usually comes when your Spirit comes back to the body, not when it is leaving.

The first NDE I experienced was as a toddler, when I fell off my parents' boat. I sank to the bottom of the muddy river three times before they finally were able to grab me and haul me out. There was no fear, no pain, and I found it fascinating. There was also no water in my lungs; explain that one.

The next few NDE's happened at the beginning of an accident. When the house was about to blow up, I found myself out of body, floating out in the cosmos, talking with Jesus Christ and a Council of wise ones. In the life review, I discovered that what I came to this life for had been accomplished back in my toddler years. I was given the choice of coming back to Earth or staying in Heaven. I chose to come back, to help. They showed me how difficult life on Earth would become.

When my Spirit came back into my body, I was able to stop the explosion that was about to happen, saving not only my life, but the lives of three housemates and four dogs. They just didn't appreciate the gesture when they woke up to find all the windows and doors open so the gas could air out (it was about 20 degrees in there; one guy froze his butt to the toilet seat).

The next one came during a bout with peritonitis that put me into the hospital. Two angels showed up, dragged my Spirit out of my body, raced me through the cosmos to an electrified grid, dragged me through, then slam-dunked me back into my body...and I was healed.

The whole NDE thing was getting to be 'old-hat' familiar to me. When my car was locked in a skid straight for the edge of an icy cliff, I called out to Father to pull me out of the body before we hit bottom, so I wouldn't have to feel any pain. THAT was a truly incredible experience, which included the car being pushed away from the edge at the last minute, into a snow bank on the opposite side of the road.

The next NDE happened when I was poisoned by carbon monoxide over three months. The last night, I stopped breathing at least three times. As I entered the darkness of the tunnel-where one's energy/Spirit is pulling entirely out of the body-I thought "Not my Will, but Thine be done, Father". Suddenly I was snapped back into the body. Dang.

Most notable about my NDE's is that not all of them involved the death of the body. The death would have occurred, if I had chosen to leave, but since my decision was to stay, the accident didn't continue. None of those NDE's were due to the so-called scientific explanation of the 'last gasp of the dying brain'. In fact, the extensive research into NDE's done by Dr. Jeffrey Long shows that NDE's cannot be explained by any physical means, nor are they controlled by the brain.

Metaphysicians can tell you that our Consciousness comes from the Mental Plane, which does not exist in the body. Quantum Physicists say it's in the Non-Local Mind. I am less concerned with where it resides than I am with the fact that our Consciousness is taken out of the body before it can register pain. The only time one feels pain is if the death is slow and the Consciousness refuses to detach.

The moral of the story: let go. Of course, if you choose to come back, that can be painful, as you would have to deal with whatever happened to the body. Oh, and suicides...not a good idea. If a suicide survives there is often so much trauma to the body that life becomes even more difficult. Succeeding in killing the body would not be so great either, as many times suicides wander in the darkness, alone, for quite some time.

Live your life-fully-and be grateful. Live without regrets; that makes the leaving so much easier. Truly, "Let not thy Heart be troubled".

© 2010 Dr.Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved

Dr. Valerie Olmsted is an author, naturopathic physician, metaphysician, internet entrepreneur, artist, speaker, and lover of life. Traveling with the Quantum Vortex Experience, she has helped thousands of people reach the inner connection they are seeking and has contributed to the discoveries of manifestation practices via quantum physics applications. For more information of that nature, go to, which also contains articles and the blog, and

Contact: Dr.Valerie Olmsted

2370 W. SR 89A
Sedona, AZ 86336

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories abnut Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Saturday, October 8, 2011

What Do Ghosts Want from Us?

As you start to clear your field and remove layers of unresolved karma under the blankets of your emotional disguise, you may find that some entities are actually asking for your help to cross into the light. If ghosts are finding you, and you are willing to help them cross over, either call upon Archangels Michael and Chamuel or send the ghosts to the nearest morgue or funeral home. They can go into the light with others who are crossing over. More than one soul at a time can use the tunnel of light created for the newly departed.
In When Ghosts Speak, Mary Ann Winkowski states that a portal of light is opened whenever someone dies and this window of opportunity remains open for a short while during which a soul can make a choice to go into the light or stay in the earth plane. Some wait too long to decide and therefore miss their chance to go into the light. Thus, they become earth bound.
Here are some of the reasons why some souls do not cross over when they first leave the body is because:

  1.         They are attached to things such as jewelry, cars, houses, furniture, or places where they lived found comfort, or died
  2.          They are busybodies who don’t want to leave
  3.        They are seeking revenge or pursuing justice
  4.         They fear judgment or punishment on the other side
  5.          They want to protect the living
Mary Ann Winkowski is the consultant for the creators of the CBS show, The Ghost Whisperer, in which Jennifer Love Hewitt stars. The first time I saw this show, I cried for joy because finally someone had an explanation as to why souls were coming to me. I sensed they wanted help, but I didn’t know what to do for them. Even though I had sensed the presence of spirits all my life, I had no idea that I was a “ghost whisperer” (a.k.a. medium) as well as an empath. No wonder my life was so crazy while I was ignorant of these very important facts. Knowledge is power. As I learned to follow my own heart and develop spiritual intelligence, I began setting boundaries with these disembodied souls. I started calling upon angels, archangels, and my own spirit guides whenever a soul came to me for help. Archangels Michael and Chamuel can help these lost souls find a place of peace in the afterlife. At first, I visualized the soul leaving, but once I knew my effort was working, I relaxed and enjoyed my new-found privacy with the assurance that my “guidance team” was taking care of things.
Get the MP3 titled “Clearing Entities from Your Home and Personal Space” and hear the full audio from which this post was excerpted. You will also hear from Ranoli, a Geobioligist/Earth Acupuncturist with over 35 years of experience in helping people create home environments that support their health and well- being. She gives expert tips for clearing detrimental energy from your home and personal space. You will also gain wisdom from Dr. Caron Goode, a licensed psychotherapist with a Doctoral Degree from George Washington University. A National Certified Counselor and Diplomat of the American Psychotherapy Association, Caron is the author of Kids Who See Ghosts ~ Guide Them through Fear and Raising Intuitive Children.

With the purchase of the MP3, you will get the digital version of two children’s stories from Yvonne Perry’s book, The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children. Those titles are “A Ghost in My Closet” and “A Powerful Potion.”

For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How Do Ghosts Remain Active for Years?

Some people believe entities are conjured by human thoughts and fed by negative emotional energy. Some believe they are the unresolved karma or crystallization that was housed in the astral body of someone who has died and was not cremated. We know that fire and smoke are purifying agents. This is why many ancient cultures performed elaborate “l`st rites” (mainly to protect the living from the departing soul) and burned the physical body on a funeral pyre. This is said to dismantle the astral body and destroy its unresolved karma, which certainly can’t go into the Light with the pure soul essence. If this is true, then it explains why we have seen such a huge increase in violence, depression, and suicide since embalming and burial became the preferred method of disposing of a body.

Regardless of whether others think entities are real or imagined, if they bother you, then they exist for you and must be dealt with. I’m finding a lot of folks coming to me to talk about their plight in dealing with the energy of earthbound spirits. It seems people are suddenly becoming more able to we see, hear, feel, or sense their presence.

Most sources I’ve studied state that earthbound spirits must feed off of energy to remain active. They target humans who have a similar fixation as their own: drug or alcohol abuse, emotional indulgences, trauma, abuse, or someone who is ungrounded and not fully participating in thehr own spiritual development. When an earthbound spirit finds a human in a state of despair, having weak or no boundaries, the earthbound spirit attaches itself to the victim’s energy field.

A person with an entity attachment may also have their electromagnetic field contaminated with the negative energy. They will feel out-of-sorts, be filled with dysfunctional thoughts, rampant emotions, and have cravings that are not their own. The best way to keep these entities away is to raise your personal vibration, keep your aura close to your body, and remove negative or stuck energy so these beings are no longer attracted to you. Learn more in my book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You.
Get the MP3 titled “Clearing Entities from Your Home and Personal Space” and hear the full audio from which this post was excerpted. You will also hear from Ranoli, a Geobioligist/Earth Acupuncturist with over 35 years of experience in helping people create home environments that support their health and well- being. She gives expert tips for clearing detrimental energy from your home and personal space. You will also gain wisdom from Dr. Caron Goode, a licensed psychotherapist with a Doctoral Degree from George Washington University. A National Certified Counselor and Diplomat of the American Psychotherapy Association, Caron is the author of Kids Who See Ghosts ~ Guide Them through Fear and Raising Intuitive Children.

With the purchase of the MP3, you will get the digital version of two children’s stories from Yvonne Perry’s book, The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children. Those titles are “A Ghost in My Closet” and “A Powerful Potion.”

For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Monday, October 3, 2011

Communication With Spirit

Learning to allow communication has been dealt with in the two articles mentioned above so will not be repeated here. However, we do feel it is important to explain a little more about the quality of communication.

There are many Mediums in the world who act as intermediaries between earth and the Spirit World. They usually train in some way to do this work and have differing abilities and levels of experience and therefore differing rates of success.

Read more here..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Clearing Entities from Your Home and Personal Space

In celebration of the Halloween season, Dr. Caron Goode, Ranoli, and Yvonne Perry prerecorded a 60-minute lecture regarding clearing negative energy, ghosts, and astral particles from your environment and personal energy field.

Get the MP3 titled “Clearing Entities from Your Home and Personal Space” and hear some compelling ghost stories from Yvonne Perry, the author of More Than Meets the Eye.

Meet Ranoli, a Geobioligist/Earth Acupuncturist with over 35 years of experience in helping people create home environments that support their health and well- being. She gives expert tips and a recipe for clearing detrimental energy from your home and personal space.

You will also gain wisdom from Dr. Caron Goode, a licensed psychotherapist with a Doctoral Degree from George Washington University. A National Certified Counselor and Diplomat of the American Psychotherapy Association, Caron is the author of Kids Who See Ghosts ~ Guide Them through Fear and Raising Intuitive Children.

  $20 USD

With the purchase of this MP3, you will get the digital version of two children’s stories from Yvonne Perry’s book, The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children. Those titles are “A Ghost in My Closet” and “A Powerful Potion.”

For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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