Jan W. Vandersande Ph.D. has described in considerable detail some of the best evidence that he is aware of for life after death. He has based this evidence on his own experiences, which include sittings with trance mediums and channelers, and also sitting quite regularly over an eight year period in a circle in which he witnessed physical phenomena such as trumpets flying around the séance room, direct voice, and ectoplasm. All his experiences are described in detail.
Additionally, three of his close friends witnessed full materializations numerous times and one of them, Professor Jack Allen, photographed ectoplasm coming from the medium as well as two full materializations. These four photographs are shown in the book.
Jan is a scientist and has a technical background that has nothing to do with spiritual matters. Learn how he got involved in communicating with the disembodied spirits and paranormal experiences that provide evidence for life after death such as those he describes in his book.
His experiences have made it possible for him to critically read a lot of the existing literature on psychic phenomena. He has cited numerous cases, which he believes are genuine and are some of the best evidence for life after death. These cases come from channelers, trance mediums, direct voice and materialization sittings. Several materialization mediums are discussed in detail, and some photographs of ectoplasm and full materializations are shown and are compared to the ones taken by Professor Allen. Considerable emphasis is placed on materializations since they are the most impressive evidence for life after death.
The author also considers alternative explanations for these psychic phenomena such as fraud, telepathy and “super-ESP”, but in all the cases he documents the survival of life after death hypothesis is the most likely explanation.

For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com
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