Friday, April 29, 2011

Peace about Transitioning to the Other Side

For information about the dying and grieving process, euthanasia, suicide, near-death experience, and spirit visits after the passing of a loved one, you might enjoy reading, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.

Purchase paperback on

It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers.

The audio book is now available!

Listen to a sample now!

More Than Meets the Eye ~ True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife is for people who are facing challenges presented by bereavement, hospice care, and after-death communication. The book covers many aspects of the dying and grieving process and sheds light on euthanasia, suicide, near-death experience, and spirit visits after the passing of a loved one. Find comfort and peace about the mysterious process of transitioning to the Other Side.

Download the 3-hour-long audio book in mp3 format for only $7.00. Listen on your iPod while you travel!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How to Connect with Deceased Loved Ones

I have an MP3 by Sunny Dawn Johnston and I really like it. So, I was looking to see what else she has done. I came across this audio about connecting with deceased loved ones and thought you might enjoy it.

How to Connect with Deceased Loved Ones

For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

All answers are within the heart!

Recently, I recorded a podcast with Janice Mickle, who provides shamanic healing, energetic healing work, and spiritual counseling. Her personal mission is to help others understand and embrace the knowing that we are all spiritual beings, each being is complete and perfect, and all answers are within the heart.

In the third segment of the 4-part show, Janice talked about conscious dying, which is end-of-life transition assistance for someone who is ready to peacefully transition to the afterlife. n part three, Janice discusses this process. She is considering starting a class to teach others how to do this for a loved one. I think the readers of this blog might be interested in knowing more about this topic, so I'm sharing the audio here.

In this segment, she also discussed soul retrieval. When a person is wounded or abused mentally, emotionally, physically, or sexually, or has had a traumatic experience such as witnessing death or killing someone during wartime, the soul may fragment and parts may leave the body. This is commonly known as dissociation or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These fragments of the soul can be retrieved and reintegrated into the body using a journeying technique known as a soul retrieval.

Click on the arrow to listen:

If you would like to hear then entire show, go to

For more information on death, dying, and afterlife, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Audio Book on Death, Dying, and Afterlife

It's here! Read by Wendy Lachmuth, the audio version of More Than Meets the Eye, True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife is ready for your listening pleasure!

Listen to a sample now!

More Than Meets the Eye ~ True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife is for people who are facing challenges presented by bereavement, hospice care, and after-death communication. The book covers many aspects of the dying and grieving process and sheds light on euthanasia, suicide, near-death experience, and spirit visits after the passing of a loved one. Find comfort and peace about the mysterious process of transitioning to the Other Side.

Download the 3-hour-long audio book in mp3 format for only $7.00. Listen on your iPod while you travel!

Purchase the paperback version on and follow along with the audio.

More Than Meets the Eye is also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers, iPhones, or iPads; and you may find it for Nook on Barnes and Noble.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

I Still See Pap!

Death is a difficult subject for adults to understand. Children have an even harder time trying to grasp the concept. That someone they love is not coming back.

When a family experiences the death of a loved one, adults may try to explain to the kids that their deceased loved one is in heaven or a better place. Most people believe in an afterlife in which the soul or spirit that was inhabiting a human body continues to live in some realm of consciousness. Yet many adults tell children that their loved one doesn’t exist anymore. It’s hard for kids to understand and accept this as reality—especially when they continue to see the one who is supposed to be “deceased.”

My grandfather, whom we called Pap, died in 1988. That was more than a year before my brother and his wife had children. Imagine the surprise when their first-born son was about two or three years old and reported that Pap was in his room at night!

Being fundamentalist Christians, we did not take well to having spirits messing with our kids. We concluded that this entity could not be Pap for three reasons: 1.) according to the teachings of our religion, Pap was in heaven and could not possibly manifest on Earth; 2.) my nephew was afraid of the entity, so it must not have been a friendly spirit—although my grandfather was quite a jokester; 3.) our family did not believe in ghosts; therefore, they could not visit us! But we did believe in demons so we rationalized that we were under attack. We exorcised the child’s room and forbade the evil presence from coming near my nephew again. Ghosts comply with our requests when we intentionally set strong boundaries. Sadly, Pap did not return.

As I look back on that event from a different and non-religious perspective, I should have realized that the visitor was indeed Pap. Since my nephew had never met his great-grandfather, he would not have called the visitor Pap unless the ghost had identified himself as such. Those of us who knew Pap could have embraced the visitation with love and gratitude rather than fear and retaliation. The way we handled this episode caused my nephew to be fearful of the spirit world.

My grandmother and I had been visited by Pap’s spirit several times since he had passed. But I somehow dismissed all remembrance of those events when my nephew reported seeing Pap. Our experience conflicted with our dogma. Now, I jokingly say that if your experience doesn’t align with your theology, by all means change your experience! We couldn’t possibly alter our beliefs!

Pap loved my brother and me very much and I’m sure he would loved to have known our children. It was only natural that he would visit us and them from time to time just to check in.

If your child reports seeing a ghost, validate his experience so he will continue to trust his intuition. There is nothing to fear. In fact, this event can provide the perfect opportunity to bring better understanding about the unseen realm and death. You might ask the child if he knows the ghost’s name. If he identifies a loved one who has passed, find out if the ghost has a message for the family or if there is something the family can do for the ghost. Many times our disembodied loved ones simply stop by briefly to let us know all is well in the afterlife or to see how everyone is doing. If this is the case the spirit visitor will probably leave on its own.

However, if the family agrees that the ghost needs to leave immediately and not come back, you can lovingly set boundaries with the spirit. Simply call upon the angels of light and love to lead the spirit to a peaceful place in the afterlife where the soul development can continue.


Yvonne Perry is a freelance writer and editor, award-winning bestselling author, podcast host, blogger, and keynote speaker. She is a graduate of American Institute of Holistic Theology where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Metaphysics.

For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

There’s a Ghost in Our House. Can We Keep Him?

by Yvonne Perry

American people have a great interest in the subject of the paranormal and especially ghosts. Ghost Whisperer and Medium are very popular TV shows and millions each week view Sci-Fi, Discovery, and Travel channel that air documentaries about ghosts and psychic phenomena.

Approximated one-third of Americans believe in ghosts, and twenty-three percent say they have interacted with a ghost. The truth is ghosts, angels, spirit guides, and entities are around us all the time. Their impact on us and our lives is unmistakable, but we have been taught to disbelieve in them or ignore their presence during our normal waking consciousness. If we do have a supernatural experience and share our story with others, we may be told it is only our imagination. Some people may think we are crazy.

Ghosts live in the world of subtle energy, which seems to exists outside of our physical world and beyond the range of our five senses. However, ghosts can and do interact with our physical world and have been known to open doors, hide things, make noise, move furniture, and turn electronic equipment on and off. If you have a ghost in your home, you can either banish it or you can allow your otherworldly visitor to stay. After all, ghosts are people who were formerly alive and breathing but no longer have a physical body. Like those of us in body, each ghost has a distinguishing personality. Some are loving and some are not. Others are looking for help, reassurance, or guidance. Most disembodied souls are too frightened to take their next step in the afterlife. Your coaching these “lost” souls may help them find peace and confidence to cross over into the light.

If you decide to allow a ghost to be part of your family, you must be clear about your rules, boundaries, and limitations. Let the ghost know it will have to leave if your rules are not followed. If your ghost is causing disturbances in your home, or if its behavior threatens your safety or the safety of others, or you/your family feel afraid of it, then it is time to have it move on.

Knowing how to ignore the presence and avoid the influence of entities and environmental energy can be a good thing for those who are so energy sensitive that they see, feel, and hear in another dimension much of the time. These people, known as empaths, are described in Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Detrimental Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You. An empath is sensitive to what is obvious as well as unseen things such as ghosts and the thoughts, emotions, and illnesses they sense around them. Empaths may get hunches, see mental pictures, hear voices, or have a gut feeling that supplies hidden information about people and situations. They may also get a physical sensation in their body that lets them know where another person is afflicted or suffering.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Is Sleep Walking Related to Astral Travel or Projection?

Have you ever wondered why some kids (and adults) are prone to taking a stroll about the house during the night? Regardless of age, we are all more open to spiritual exploration during our sleep. Children—especially intuitive children—are easily able to tap into the spirit realm night or day. It’s no surprise then, that an intuitive child when deeply asleep is totally in another zone—an “out of body” experience in which some aspect of the human psyche actually travels to other dimensions.

Astral projection and astral travel are common among spiritually-gifted kids. It is important to understand the difference between astral travel and astral projection.

Astral travel is a process of projecting the consciousness into visual scenes. In meditation we might call this journeying or visualization. Some intuitives (empaths) may actually feel as if they are in the place imagined. However, astral traveling does not remove us from the physical body.

Astral projection is when our astral body actually travels to other places. This mainly occurs while asleep in dream states. The rapid eye movement phase is normally aligned with this phenomena. The person is only aware of the experience if he or she has memories afterward. Although we all have out-of-body experiences from time to time, there are those who can intentionally project their astral body and have a genuine experience while awake.

Sleep walking is caused when the astral body is unable to release itself from the physical body. The desire to project will animate the physical body without conscious awareness. A sleep walking person should not be awakened while in this state. Instead, help direct and get them back in bed and allow them to awaken on their own.

Yvonne Perry's grandson, Sidney, was prone to sleep walking episodes when he was younger. One night his mother, Amanda, awoke and saw Sid standing at the foot of her bed. She was about to ask him to go back to bed when she realized it was his astral body and not his physical body standing there. Naturally, she was startled and jumped out of bed to check on him. She found him sound asleep in his own bed in his room. This demonstrates astral projection.

Our bodies are able to perform automatic functions like walking, drinking, urinating, or driving while having an out-of-body experience. You’ve probably found yourself so deep in thought while driving that you got from point A to point B without not being aware of how you got there. Perhaps you were deep in a daydream while walking and didn’t realize you had crossed the street until you “came to." I’ve left my house many times so preoccupied with thoughts that I couldn’t remember whether or not I turned off the stove or let down the garage door. However, my body automatically performed these functions while my mind strayed. It’s the same way when you are asleep or having an astral projection or sleep walking.

For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Influence Ghosts Have upon Human Emotions

by Yvonne Perry

An entity is anything that feeds off your energy or emotions. It can be a thought form, an energy pattern, or a soul tie (a hook to or an attachment from one or more persons), or an earthbound spirit. Some people believe entities are conjured by human thoughts and fed by negative emotional energy. Regardless, of whether others think they are real or imagined, if they bother you, then they exist for you and must be dealt with.
Some entities can move objects and cause electrical disturbances, but they can’t physically harm you. They can influence you by infiltrating your thoughts; and their very presence may disrupt your energy field and cause emotional upsets. In fact, some of the negativity or detrimental energy you feel right now could actually be a result of an entity in your house or one that is attached to your energy field.

A portal of light is opened when someone dies and this window of opportunity remains open for a short while during which a soul can make a choice to go into the light or stay in the earth plane. Some souls cross over almost immediately, probably because they were spirituality evolved or had their “bucket list” checked off and all their loose ends tied up. Some souls fear they may be punished and take too much time deciding whether or not to cross over and go into the light. Thus, they become earth bound. Whatever beliefs, emotions, or knowledge a soul has when departing from the body is carried into the afterlife. Many times when a soul leaves the body abruptly, it is confused and may not cross over to the other side or go into the light.
Mary Ann Winkowski is the consultant for the creators of the CBS show, The Ghost Whisperer, in which Jennifer Love Hewitt stars. Mary Ann has seen and communicated with earthbound souls since she was four years old and is able to create the light and give earthbound souls a second chance to cross over. In her book, she gives several reason why souls do not cross over immediately.
  • They are attached to things such as jewelry, cars, houses, furniture, or places where they lived, found comfort, or died.
  • They fear judgment or punishment on the other side
  • They are seeking revenge or pursuing justice
  • They want to protect the living
  • They are busybodies who don’t want to leave
Some entities are spiteful and refuse to give up their attachment to the earthly realm. These earthbound spirits feed off of our energy and target humans who have similar fixations as their own: drug or alcohol abuse, emotional indulgences, trauma, or someone who is ungrounded and not fully participating in their own spiritual development. When an earthbound spirit finds a human in a state of dissension, having weak or no auric boundaries, the spirit may attach itself to the victim’s energy field. This is not a possession. I believe that only one soul can inhabit a body at a time, but a person with an entity attachment may feel out-of-sorts, have dysfunctional thoughts, emotions, and cravings that are not their own. You or someone in your family may be dealing with the energy of earthbound spirits regardless of whether you see, hear, feel, or sense their presence.

Knowledge is power. As you learn to follow your own heart and develop spiritual intelligence, you may feel the need to set boundaries with disembodied souls. That is not a difficult thing to do. Angels, archangels, enlightened beings of love, and your personal spirit guides are always ready and willing to help you with any request. Call upon archangels Michael and Chamuel to help earthbound spirits find a place of peace in the afterlife. Other methods to keep these entities away include raising your personal vibration, keeping your aura clear and close to your body, removing negative or stuck energy so these beings are no longer attracted to you.

The book I wrote with Dr. Caron Goode offers dozens of exercises to help clear and protect your personal aura or energy field. Learn more about WHOSE STUFF IS THIS? Finding Freedom from the Detrimental Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at .

There are times when a spirit may have a personal message for you or another person. If you can deliver the message without causing discomfort to yourself or someone else, you may want to do so in order to help the soul find closure and move on. Whenever you sense an entity around you, ask it, “Who are you and what do you need?” If the spirit is not courteous enough to answer those two questions, it should not be permitted to stay in your presence. Using your intention or a visualization, set a boundary around your body, home, office, car, possessions, or children that serves as an impenetrable wall to keep that spirit away from you and your property. Some people use salt or herbs to cleanse an area and put up the protective barrier, but all rituals and prayers use the power of intention to shift energy.

Protect yourself from the depression, anxiety, fear, addictions, suicidal tendencies, phobias, relationship difficulties, and other problems caused by entity contamination. Stand in your power and do not allow a ghost to frighten you or your children.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Virtual Blog Tour for My Book, Whose Stuff Is This?: Finding Freedom from the Negative Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You, is Complete!

My virtual blog tour for my book, Whose Stuff Is This?: Finding Freedom from the Negative Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You, is complete. Here are the stops from the final week.

Monday, March 21 - Reno Lovison Marketing Communications Services presented an article titled “Authors Must Learn to Sell What They Write.” I shared some of the mistakes I made in promoting my first two books and gave some tips on what to do to ensure the successful launch of your book. See Business Card to Business Blog:

Tuesday, March 22 - Anne Lyken-Garner has a media release about the many ways that we are connected: the air we breathe, our basic needs and physiology, and energetically/spiritually. No one feels the power of this connection more than the energy-sensitive people, who unknowingly pick up on the detrimental thoughts, feelings, and even the illnesses of others and their environment. Read more on Anne’s blog:

Wednesday, March 23 - Being empathic is not a burden you must bear anymore. You can learn to shut out unwanted energy and keep others from violating your personal boundaries. First, you have to set boundaries. Dr. Caron Goode, who wrote the foreword for the book, presented a book excerpt on her blog, Kids Who See Ghosts:

Thursday, March 24 - Faith Ranoli interviewed me on Heart and Home Radio Show about how as an intercessor, I picked up the illnesses and emotional pain of those I prayed for. Everyone is intuitive and has the small, still voice inside if we will just listen, but not everyone is empathic. Some are too empathic and allow compassion to go too far. Ranoli said of my book, “ Designed especially for empaths, this book teaches healthful living, good spiritual practices, and gives helpful tips for living a safe and energetically balanced life.” Listen to the interview at

Friday, March 25 - Vonnie Faroqui shared an article titled “Being Non-Resistant Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry.” Being non-resistant is the embodiment of the often misunderstood feat of “turning the other cheek.” We’ve often thought that phrase meant that it is honorable to let people walk all over us. Turning the other cheek actually means standing in your place of power and letting things flow through you without getting stuck. Read more on Ink Slinger's Whimsey:

Monday, March 28 - Dr. Caron Goode shared an excerpt from my book. See Raising Intuitive Children blog: Caron and I believe this book will benefit many people and help get them moving toward better health and emotional balance. Bulk orders (10 or more) of this title are available at a discount to bookstores, counselors, and retailers who wish to offer the book to clients or resale the book. Contact us for the discount code.

I am very thankful for all of you and the support you provided to help me launch my book. I’m very impressed with everyone who participated. The tour went smoothly without a glitch; everyone posted the material we sent you on time, and we had some great comments from your readers. I hope you enjoyed being part of this networking activity and found it beneficial.

Gratefully Yours,

Yvonne Perry
Author of Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You (
More Than Meets the Eye, True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife (
The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children (
Owner of Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services (

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For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babies!

Author Yvonne Perry is the paternal grandmother of a intuitive child named Sidney, who is now nine years old. Before Sidney started school, he would stay at his grandparents’ house some weekends. They did all kinds of fun things together.

One day when Sidney was with his grandmother (known as Von-Von), he kept repeating, “Hannah, Hannah, Hannah.”All day long he called the name. Yvonne said she felt like he was trying to give her a message, but she also thought he was too young to be channeling. At about nine months old, he wasn’t even talking more than a few words.

Finally curiosity got the best of her and Yvonne called Sidney’s mom, Amanda, hoping to get some more information. Amanda had a friend who a daughter named Hannah. Amanda and Hannah’s mom gave birth within a few weeks of one another but they lost touch a few months later. The last Amanda knew about her friend was that she had a drug problem. Amanda and Yvonne said a prayer of protection for Hannah while they were on the phone. Amazingly, Sidney stopped repeating the child’s name after that.

The next week Amanda received a call from someone who was still in touch with Hannah’s family. Hannah’s grandmother had taken custody of the child because Hannah’s mother had been neglecting the baby girl.

Sidney continued to show signs of being spiritually aware. When he looked at his grandmother, he would sometimes look beside her or over her and giggle. Yvonne sensed then that her grandson was able to see in the spirit realm. That belief was confirmed one day when Sidney was about four years old.

He was with Yvonne in her office when she asked him to another room in the house to get something for her. He jumped up and started toward the door. Then, all of a sudden he stopped and wouldn’t go another step. He backed up closer to where his grandmother was sitting.

“What’s wrong, Sid?” she asked.

“Von-Von, who is that?” He pointed toward the hallway. She intuitively knew what was happening because she had seen the spirit of young boy flash across her foyer several days prior.

“I’m not sure what his name is,” she said, “but he will not harm you. Let’s call upon Archangels Chamuel and Michael.” Yvonne pulled Sid into her lap. He was still staring at the doorway.

“Archangels Michael and Chamuel,” she said, “We have the spirit of a lost boy in our house. Please come and help him see the light and go to a safe place where he can find his friends and family. Thank you.”

“He’s gone,” Sidney said. Then, he slid off Von-Von’s lap and walked through the doorway without hesitation.

Yvonne began to write about their adventures and the next thing she knew, she had a collection of stories. She compiled them into one full-color print book and titled it The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children. These twelve stories support intuitive children in the development of body, mind, and spirit. In the The Sid Series your child will:

• Learn about inner guidance through a garden visit with the fairies

• Face the fear of storms in a kayak on the Banana River

• Help a pirate find the real hidden treasure

• Find a ghost in Sid’s closet

• Use loving intention to heal a hurt puppy

I invite you to look inside the book at

For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Book about Death, Dying, and Afterlife in Nashville Bookstores

By request, my book is now for sale at these bookstores in Nashville:

Cosmic Connections
1701 Portland Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37212

Center of Symmetry
212 Louise Ave
Nashville, TN 37203

Not in Nashville?
More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife can be purchased on It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers.