Tuesday, August 30, 2011

End-of-Life Decision Making For Cancer Patients

By Pauline Go

People who are in the last stages of cancer should pay some attention to end-of-life decisions. The most important is advance directive, also known as living will, for medical treatment. This is nothing but a document written by the terminally ill person while he or she is still capable of making decisions. The advance directive basically states that the patient does not want artificial means of surviving should he or she become mentally incompetent. Artificial life saving measures include CPR, respirators or anything else the person can think of.

The reason why advance directive only applies to a person who in mentally incapable of making decisions is because prior to that a doctor can ask the person what his or her preferences are about the treatment. However, once the person becomes mentally incompetent, he cannot be asked to state to state his or her preference.

However, advance directive is not only about dying with dignity. There are some patients who might want to live as long as possible using CPR or artificial breathing machines. If this is mentioned in your living will, the doctors and your family would have to respect it. In fact, the doctor would have to do everything to save your life or prolong it.

Those who find writing advance directive morbid, do not have to do it. Instead they can appoint a health care agent. This is someone who makes all the healthcare decisions on your behalf when you are incapable of making them. However, you would have to tell the agent what your wishes are while you are still able to think and comprehend coherently.

Pauline Go is an online leading expert medical industry. She also offers top quality articles like:
Lung Cancer Facts,
Bone Cancer Symptoms
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2184874

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on Amazon.com. It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Raise Strong Emotions

By Rosemary Redfern

Euthanasia and assisted suicide are emotive subjects. Our fears about death and dying and the laws, both religious and state, which control the legality of death, are powerful influences on all of us.

Staying alive is one of the strongest drives any animal, humans included, has. At the same time, those who are carnivorous in their diet expect animals to die to feed them. This is part of the food chain and is echoed by the animals who hunt for food as opposed to non carnivorous animals.

Society does not expect anyone to kill another person; yet we execute people we deem to have committed certain crimes. We send our children to fight wars for our countries, knowing they can be killed or maimed. These concepts are accepted are normal. Man is an aggressive creature and very muddled in how it thinks.

The danger for most of us with euthanasia and assisted suicide is that someone will die because they are rich, in the way, getting old and being a nuisance or some other idea. Yet when our pets become distressed with disease and old age, after consulting a vet, we give them the mercy of releasing them with a quiet injection and call it putting the animal to sleep. The grief is no less but we feel it is a kind thing to do.

When humans suffer from dreadful diseases like the end of some cancers, motor neuron disease and diseases which take away the independence and dignity of the individual, those who have nothing to do with the person dictate they should live and suffer. They seem to be devoid of imagination of what it is like to suffer unbearable pain or suffocate slowly because the body cannot get air.

Suicide is frowned upon as a cowardly act. For someone who is desperately disfigured it is seen as the only answer. The only person who can know what it is like, is the individual who is suffering. Their family and friends can have some idea because they see the results every day but they cannot know. When you love someone you do not want them to struggle with survival which is traumatic.

Living wills have been designed so that in the event of an unexpected disaster, the wishes of the person are known. Who knows what is happening inside the head of someone who has been in a coma for years. Who knows what quality of life they have. Why is it so terrible to allow someone to die in peace.

In some countries these elements have been considered and thought through. There are legal controls and nothing is done without the criteria being covered. A person cannot just be disposed of as a whim. Surely this is a humane way to treat people who have gone as far as they can. For the religious, dying means getting the reward they have worked for during their lifetime, a positive thing surely.

There is a strong case for euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rosemary_Redfern

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on Amazon.com. It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

End of Life Plan - Not Just For the Elderly

by Laura Bramble

Most people live with a fear of being debilitated and unable to make end of life decisions, whether by accident, disease or aging. Mental autonomy is a vital part of our identities and it is hard to imagine life without it. Yet many face that very situation every day. Having a clearly defined, written plan that close friends and family understand goes a long way in relieving some of that fear.

Like wills, people approach end of life plans with hesitation. These plans are seen as morbid or as bringing bad things into being. Younger people feel that there is plenty of time; only "old people" need to plan ahead and declare their wishes. However, many who need end of life plans are not those who are dying a slow and dignified death with plenty of time to set things in order. Accidents and sudden illnesses create situations that render the victim incapacitated and unable to make decisions for himself, the very situation that requires this kind of plan. The suddenness of the condition also leaves family members to deal with a large number of issues and emotions at onbe, besides the burden of having to make decisions for a loved one. Having a plan in place keeps loved ones from having to think about those issues while they are in the midst of coping with their emotions and prevents them from ever wondering if they did the right thing and respected your unknown wishes.

A basic end of life plan deals with a few issues: life support and extraordinary medical measures, organ donation and funeral arrangements, hospice care and financial issues. Whether a patient wants doctors to keep them on life support for an extended period or resort to complicated or risky procedures on a faint hope of success needs to be spelled out, since making that decision means condemning a loved one to death. This is a very pressure filled situation for a grieving loved one. For those that have definite feelings about how they wish their body to be handled after death, especially those with strong religious convictions, putting directions in writing removes any guesswork and ensures that their final wishes will be met. Some people are comfortable with the idea of hospice care, while others would rather die at home, surrounded by familiar people and things, which an end of life plan makes clear. An end of life plan also creates arrangements for the support of spouses and children, temporary custody and guardianship, and funding for medical and funeral expenses.

It takes a team to develop a solid end of life plan. Especially if you are ill or elderly, speaking with your doctor about what to expect and getting answers to questions can help you settle the medical issues surrounding long-term care and life support. An attorney can give legal advice on the best and smoothest way to handle any transfers of property or authority. A financial advisor who specializes in estate and succession planning can advise you on the most effective way to structure your finances to guarantee that funds are in place to cover expenses while minimizing the tax burden on loved ones.

Laura Bramble is a freelance writer living in Atlanta. You may view more of her work at walkers for seniors or walkers with wheels

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Laura_Bramble

.For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on Amazon.com. It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Monday, August 22, 2011

What Happens When You "Die"?

by Bonnie Jean Hamilton

Death is merely a doorway to a new state of awareness; your spirit continues to live after the physical manifestation is no more. Your spirit or energy body is always alive, creating, moving about, taking action, living and learning. This energy body is alive on many levels, states of awareness, or dimensions. Right now, you are a multidimensional being whose energy spans across and throughout many worlds. When the physical body gives out, you continue to exist in other bodies on other planes.

Your energy body conforms to whatever vibrational level it is in at the time. When your physical body dies, your energy body leaves it and moves to the closest space inhabitable. It's like when any chemical compound is released from its typical state-it reforms or changes composition, but the energy is still manifest in some way. What changes is the vibrational rate and in what way the form is manifest.

The same thing goes for "time"-it is a matter of moving from moment to moment as vibrational levels are constantly changing and evolving. Time travel is possible just by finding the exact vibrational level of the moment you are looking for and adjusting to it (but that is another story).
Humming, vibrating, dematerializing / rematerializing.

When the physical body dies, the energy body does not die; conschousness moves to a new attention. And visiting the physical plane afterwards is similar to a dream experience, becoming more vivid depending on focus, alertness (or consciousness) and concentration. The physical manifestation is DUE to attention from the energy body-what makes you think the demise of the physical body would also kill the energy body? It works the other way around-your physical world is created by the underlying energetic patterns making up your world. Physicality is just the expression of energy taking place.

So, don't think that when someone's physical form deteriorates and dies that they are dead; your friends and family are always part of you and they are existing alongside you, they just don't have a physical form at the moment! Their energy is very much alive and they continue to live and learn just like you do!

Many Blessings, Bonnie Jean Hamilton

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bonnie_Jean_Hamilton

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on Amazon.com. It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cremation Alternatives - Pre-Need Planning and End of Life Decisions

by Melody Jamali

What do you want done with your remains when you pass away? There are many decisions to be made before you die and pre-planning for body disposal is an important decision among them. There are many cremation alternatives to chose from if you decide that either that or burial are not right for you, but it is important to make your wishes known while you're still alive. So, what types of funeral and cremation alternatives are there? In this day and age, there are quite a few alternatives to having your body cremated or the traditional burial in a casket.

Whole Body Donation

One of the ways that science has advanced over the years is because of donors. Not only monetary donations, but also whole body donations. If you are interested in doing something for the sciences after you're gone, you can make arrangements to have your body donated to science for research. Almost all bodies are accepted and most diseases are acceptable for research. When you donate your body to science, all that is required upon your death is that a call be placed to the company you have donated your body to. If you are worried about costs to your family, you needn't, because whole body donation is typically 100% free for the donor and all that your family will be responsible for is the memorial service.


If you want your body perfectly preserved in the chance that someday the technology to cure a disease or extend life will exist, then cryopreservation is the cremation alternative for you. The body, tissues and organs are preserved at sub-zero temperatures and are stored at facilities in chambers that maintain the freezing temperatures, preventing cell death. Though many believe that there will come a day when their bodies can be revived, there is not irrefutable proof on the matter. Cryopreservation is also very expensive since not only must the preservation take place, but proper storage must be provided at all times.


This environmentally friendly alternative to cremation or burial is a process involving water and alkali that breaks the body down over the course of two to three hours (virtually the same length of time as it takes to cremate a body) leaving behind a sterile liquid and bone ashes. The liquid is returned to nature, leaving only the ashes, which can be preserved in a cremation urn in exactly the same manner as cremains.

How is resomation a more eco-friendly cremation alternative to something that's already fairly green? Studies have shown that funerals that replace traditional cremation with the resomation process reduce the greenhouse gases emission by about 35%. If more people selected this procedure over cremation, the carbon footprint of the funeral industry could be drastically reduced. Plus, resomation currently costs around $600, which is significantly cheaper than cremation in the United States.

Corpse Composting

This procedure is not as simple as you might initially think. Bodies are not simply buried without a casket when corpse composting is used. It's actually a slightly complex technique in which the body is frozen using liquid nitrogen, then placed in a coffin, which is also frozen. Then the brittle frozen body and coffin are subjected to light vibrations. The vibrations shatter both and the result is a fine, organic powder. The powder then has any water, mercury and other metals removed. After all this, the result is a sterile powder that can be buried in the upper mulching layers of the soil. Full composting usually happens within 6-12 months after burial. You can use the composted remains as mulch for planting trees or even a memorial garden.

Melody Jamali is the Founder and President of ( Une Belle Vie ), a Colorado company dedicated to bringing choice of cremation to public light. Their company offers the widest selection in decorative urns for cremation and includes a wide collection of resources designed to help families and friends in their time of need. From tool for the grieving to informative articles about planning, support and other uplifting thoughts, Une Belle Vie is a company dedicated to helping your celebrate the life of the one you love - on your terms.
Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Melody_Jamali

For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on Amazon.com. It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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Monday, August 8, 2011

Key Things To Know When Communicating With Spirits

By Crystal Milligan

Connecting with the spirit world is not difficult, it simply involves the desire to do so and the requisite time necessary to facilitate the interaction. Throughout history people and cultures have engaged the spiritual realm in a variety of ways. The following is a list of things you should do to facilitate your contact with the spirit world:

Give permission for the spirits to work with you, specifically your guides and angels

Helpful spirits will work with you proactively when you give them the permission to do so. This can be done by speaking out loud, in prayer style, your intent to work with them and asking them specifically to work with you. If you have a particular subject you would like them to address, state it as such and ask for their assistance.

It is important to make sure to ask for only those spirits to work with you who are there for your highest purpose and utmost good. You do not want lower-energy, earthbound spirits hanging around, giving you messages and instruction. These lower energies typically know little more than you do, if as much, and often are mischievous and out to play with or harass you. Instead be sure to ask for higher, enlightened guides and hosts; those operating within the Light and for the purpose of the Light, and then give them permission to work with you in whatever form will be best received by you.

Once you have stated this (and you can do so more than once) sit back and observe your surroundings for the next few days or weeks. Note any dreams, thoughts, serendipitous events, information and out-of-ordinary circumstances you encounter. Keep a journal to log these things and review it often for the answers you seek.


One of the most helpful ways to facilitate spirit communication is via meditation. Meditation is truly the cornerstone of any viable spiritual practice. Meditation allows us to calm our minds and listen. When we are in a position to listen we not only hear our own thoughts and messages but the messages sent from our spirit friends and guides.

It is best to make sure you are in complete silence when meditating for the purpose of spirit communication. This means no ambient noise if possible as well as no meditative music. Just pure silence. Be alone in your mind with your thoughts and maintain a state of hopeful readiness. If you have given the spirits permission to come they will show up, and many times they show up while you are in the act of meditating. If they do not show up during your meditations they will show up in other ways, and your meditations will lay the groundwork for their appearance.


Channeling is an effective way to make contact with the spirit world. Channeling involves making oneself available to higher spirits and energies to be used as a conduit or channel for their pertinent messages to come forth. Channeling can be done via trance (as with Edgar Cayce) or while conscious (as with Jane Roberts). While in trance a person's awareness is completely displaced; with conscious channeling the practitioner is aware of the messages and information coming through.

A person can either speak out the information or alternatively write it down, such as in automatic writing. Other things besides spiritual messages can be channeled as well, such as musical compositions, poetry and even scientific formulae. In order for the practitioner to channel he or she must first set the stage accordingly, to include psychic protection, grounding and relaxation. Once these things are done the practitioner must give permission for the higher spirits to come and then wait for messages or inspiration.

The Divinatory Arts

Divination means to foresee or to be inspired by God. God in this context refers to the Source of all things, the All That Is, the Universe, etc.

Some divinatory arts include tarot card reading, dowsing, clairvoyance, precognition, tea leaf reading and scrying. While working with these divinatory abilities or instruments, spirits are allowed to come forth to relay messages or give information via sense, signals, images, words and information.

There are many types of divination, so the aspiring communicator should conduct appropriate research in order to determine which art suits him or her the best. Some methods will feel right while others may feel foreign.


The important thing to remember is that Spirit will always find a way to communicate with us if we are willing and receptive. Therefore set your intention to work with Spirit and specify what it is you would like to learn. From there safely explore and document all that is given... and enjoy!

Crystal Milligan is a psychic medium, writer and teacher and can be reached at http://www.crystalmilligan.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Crystal_Milligan

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For more information, you might enjoy reading my book, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase paperback on Amazon.com. It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available!
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