When we think of angels, we might hark back to the mighty beings from the Bible... those grand messengers of God who came not only to communicate, but also to do His will, some even with mighty swords, or as Guardians. Some of you may bring to mind the Victorian notion of angels; those cute chubby little child cherubs who are so playful and endearing. Many people also believe that we all have guardian angels, to watch over and care for us.
In recent decades there have been hundreds of books written on angelic encounters along with messages from the angels. Once it was only around Christmas time that angels made an appearance in gift stores, where today sales of angelic paraphernalia have skyrocketed to a year round phenomenon! Angel Oracle decks and readers abound. Just search the web and you will find thousands of websites dedicated to getting to know the angels.
So what would you say if you found out that angels are actually very interested in your life? And better still, they were just waiting for you to ask them to be part of it? What if the angels wanted to communicate with you?
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For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book
More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Purchase on Amazon.com